udapi.block.write.sdparse module

Sdparse class is a writer for Stanford dependencies format.

class udapi.block.write.sdparse.Sdparse(print_upos=True, print_feats=False, always_ord=False, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: BaseWriter

A writer of files in the Stanford dependencies format, suitable for Brat visualization.

Usage: udapy write.Sdparse print_upos=0 < in.conllu

Example output:

~~~ sdparse
Corriere Sport da pagina 23 a pagina 26
name(Corriere, Sport)
case(pagina-4, da)
nmod(Corriere, pagina-4)
nummod(pagina-4, 23)
case(pagina-7, a)
nmod(Corriere, pagina-7)
nummod(pagina-7, 26)

To visualize it, use embedded Brat, e.g. go to http://universaldependencies.org/visualization.html#editing. Click the edit button and paste the output of this writer excluding the ~~~ marks.

Notes: The original Stanford dependencies format allows explicit specification of the root dependency, e.g. root(ROOT-0, makes-8). However, this is not allowed by Brat, so this writer does not print it.

UD v2.0 allows tokens with spaces, but I am not aware of any Brat support.


  • write.Conllu Brat recently supports also the CoNLL-U input

  • write.TextModeTrees may be more readable/useful in some usecases

  • write.Html dtto, press “Save as SVG” button, convert to pdf


Process a UD tree