Source code for udapi.block.write.sdparse

"""Sdparse class is a writer for Stanford dependencies format."""
import collections

from udapi.core.basewriter import BaseWriter

[docs] class Sdparse(BaseWriter): """A writer of files in the Stanford dependencies format, suitable for Brat visualization. Usage: ``udapy write.Sdparse print_upos=0 < in.conllu`` Example output:: ~~~ sdparse Corriere Sport da pagina 23 a pagina 26 name(Corriere, Sport) case(pagina-4, da) nmod(Corriere, pagina-4) nummod(pagina-4, 23) case(pagina-7, a) nmod(Corriere, pagina-7) nummod(pagina-7, 26) ~~~ To visualize it, use embedded Brat, e.g. go to Click the edit button and paste the output of this writer excluding the `~~~` marks. Notes: The original `Stanford dependencies format <>`_ allows explicit specification of the root dependency, e.g. `root(ROOT-0, makes-8)`. However, this is not allowed by Brat, so this writer does not print it. UD v2.0 allows tokens with spaces, but I am not aware of any Brat support. Alternatives: * `write.Conllu` Brat recently supports also the CoNLL-U input * `write.TextModeTrees` may be more readable/useful in some usecases * `write.Html` dtto, press "Save as SVG" button, convert to pdf """ def __init__(self, print_upos=True, print_feats=False, always_ord=False, **kwargs): """Create the Sdparse block object. Args: print_upos: include UPOS tags (separated by / from forms) (default=True) print_feats: include FEATS (attached to upos in square brackets) (default=False) always_ord: attach word-order index to all forms in dependencies, even if not necessary """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.print_upos = print_upos self.print_feats = print_feats self.always_ord = always_ord
[docs] def process_tree(self, tree): print(r'~~~ sdparse') # Print the line with forms and optional upos tags and feats. nodes = tree.descendants print(' '.join(self._node(n) for n in nodes)) # Print dependencies. forms = collections.Counter() if not self.always_ord: for node in nodes: forms[node.form] += 1 for node in nodes: if not node.parent.is_root(): gov = self._form(node.parent, forms) dep = self._form(node, forms) print('%s(%s, %s)' % (node.deprel, gov, dep)) print('~~~') print('')
@staticmethod def _escape(string): return string.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('/', '\\/') def _form(self, node, forms): if self.always_ord or forms[node.form] > 1: return self._escape('%s-%d' % (node.form, node.ord)) return self._escape(node.form) def _node(self, node): string = self._escape(node.form) if self.print_upos: string += '/' + node.upos if self.print_feats: feats = str(node.feats) if feats != '_': if not self.print_upos: string += '/' string += '[%s]' % feats return string