udapi.block.ud.setspaceafter module

Block SetSpaceAfter for heuristic setting of SpaceAfter=No.

Usage: udapy -s ud.SetSpaceAfter < in.conllu > fixed.conllu

Author: Martin Popel

class udapi.block.ud.setspaceafter.SetSpaceAfter(not_after= ¿ ( [ { /', not_before='. , ; : ! ? } ] ) / ?? ??? !! !!! ... …', fix_text=True, extra_not_after='', extra_not_before='', **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Block

Block for heuristic setting of the SpaceAfter=No MISC attribute.

static is_goeswith_exception(node)[source]

Is this node excepted from SpaceAfter=No because of the goeswith deprel?

Deprel=goeswith means that a space was (incorrectly) present in the original text, so we should not add SpaceAfter=No in these cases. We expect valid annotation of goeswith (no gaps, first token as head).


Mark a node with SpaceAfter=No unless it is a goeswith exception.


Process a UD tree