udapi.block.ud.bg.removedotafterabbr module

Block ud.bg.RemoveDotAfterAbbr deletes extra PUNCT nodes after abbreviations.

Usage: udapy -s ud.bg.RemoveDotAfterAbbr < in.conllu > fixed.conllu

Author: Martin Popel

class udapi.block.ud.bg.removedotafterabbr.RemoveDotAfterAbbr(zones='all', if_empty_tree='process', **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Block

Block for deleting extra PUNCT nodes after abbreviations.

If an abrreviation is followed by end-sentence period, most languages allow just one period. However, in some treebanks (e.g. UD_Bulgarian v1.4) two periods are annotated:: # text = 1948 г. 1 1948 1948 ADJ 2 г. г. NOUN 3 . . PUNCT

The problem is that the text comment does not match with the word forms. In https://github.com/UniversalDependencies/docs/issues/410 it was decided that the least-wrong solution (and most common in other treebanks) is to delete the end-sentence punctuation:: # text = 1948 г. 1 1948 1948 ADJ 2 г. г. NOUN

This block is not specific for Bulgarian, just that UD_Bulgarian is probably the only treebank where this transformation is needed.


Process a UD tree