Source code for udapi.core.root

"""Root class represents the technical root node in each tree."""
import logging

from udapi.core.node import Node, EmptyNode, ListOfNodes
from udapi.core.mwt import MWT

# 7 instance attributes is too low (CoNLL-U has 10 columns)
# The set of public attributes/properties and methods of Root was well-thought.
# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes

[docs] class Root(Node): """Class for representing root nodes (technical roots) in UD trees.""" __slots__ = ['_sent_id', '_zone', '_bundle', '_descendants', '_mwts', 'empty_nodes', 'text', 'comment', 'newpar', 'newdoc', 'json'] # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments def __init__(self, zone=None, comment='', text=None, newpar=None, newdoc=None): """Create new root node.""" # Call constructor of the parent object. super().__init__(root=self) self.ord = 0 self.form = '<ROOT>' self.lemma = '<ROOT>' self.upos = '<ROOT>' self.xpos = '<ROOT>' self.deprel = '<ROOT>' self.comment = comment self.text = text self.newpar = newpar self.newdoc = newdoc self.json = {} # TODO: or None and mask as {} in property reader&writer to save memory? self._sent_id = None self._zone = zone self._bundle = None self._descendants = [] self._mwts = [] self.empty_nodes = [] # TODO: private @property def sent_id(self): """ID of this tree, stored in the sent_id comment in CoNLL-U.""" if self._sent_id is not None: return self._sent_id zone = '/' + if else '' if self._bundle is not None: self._sent_id = self._bundle.address() + zone else: return '?' + zone return self._sent_id @sent_id.setter def sent_id(self, sent_id): if self._bundle is not None: parts = sent_id.split('/', 1) self._bundle.bundle_id = parts[0] if len(parts) == 2: = parts[1] self._sent_id = sent_id
[docs] def address(self): """Full (document-wide) id of the root. The general format of root nodes is: root.bundle.bundle_id + '/' +, e.g. s123/en_udpipe. If zone is empty, the slash is excluded as well, e.g. s123. If bundle is missing (could occur during loading), '?' is used instead. Root's address is stored in CoNLL-U files as sent_id (in a special comment). """ return self.sent_id
@property def document(self): return self._bundle._document @property def bundle(self): """Return the bundle which this tree belongs to.""" return self._bundle @bundle.setter def bundle(self, bundle): self._bundle = bundle @property def zone(self): """Return zone (string label) of this tree.""" return self._zone @zone.setter def zone(self, zone): """Specify which zone the root belongs to.""" if self._bundle: self._bundle.check_zone(zone) self._zone = zone slashzone = '/' + zone if zone else '' if self._bundle is not None: self._sent_id = self._bundle.address() + slashzone elif self._sent_id: self._sent_id = self._sent_id.split('/', 1)[0] + slashzone else: self._sent_id = '?' + slashzone @property def parent(self): """Return dependency parent (head) node. This root-specific implementation returns always None. """ return None @parent.setter def parent(self, _): """Attempts at setting parent of root result in AttributeError exception.""" raise AttributeError('The technical root cannot have a parent.') @property def descendants(self): """Return a list of all descendants of the current node. The nodes are sorted by their ord. This root-specific implementation returns all the nodes in the tree except the root itself. """ return ListOfNodes(self._descendants, origin=self)
[docs] def is_descendant_of(self, node): """Is the current node a descendant of the node given as argument? This root-specific implementation returns always False. """ return False
[docs] def is_root(self): """Return True for all Root instances.""" return True
[docs] def remove(self, children=None): """Remove the whole tree from its bundle. Args: children: a string specifying what to do if the root has any children. The default (None) is to delete them (and all their descendants). `warn` means to issue a warning. """ if children is not None and self.children: logging.warning('%s is being removed by remove(children=%s), ' ' but it has (unexpected) children', self, children) self.bundle.trees = [root for root in self.bundle.trees if root != self]
[docs] def shift(self, reference_node, after=0, move_subtree=0, reference_subtree=0): """Attempts at changing the word order of root result in Exception.""" raise Exception('Technical root cannot be shifted as it is always the first node')
[docs] def create_empty_child(self, **kwargs): """Create and return a new empty node within this tree. This root-specific implementation overrides `Node.create_empty_child()'. It is faster because it does not set `deps` and `ord` of the newly created node. It is up to the user to set up these attributes correctly. It is used in `` (where speed is important and thus, only `raw_deps` are set up instead of `deps`). """ new_node = EmptyNode(root=self, **kwargs) self.empty_nodes.append(new_node) return new_node
# TODO document whether misc is a string or dict or it can be both
[docs] def create_multiword_token(self, words=None, form=None, misc=None): """Create and return a new multi-word token (MWT) in this tree. The new MWT can be optionally initialized using the following args. Args: words: a list of nodes which are part of the new MWT form: string representing the surface form of the new MWT misc: misc attribute of the new MWT """ # Nested or overlapping MWTs are not allowed in CoNLL-U, # so first remove all previous MWTs containing any of words. for w in words: if w.multiword_token: w.multiword_token.remove() # Now, create the new MWT. mwt = MWT(words, form, misc, root=self) self._mwts.append(mwt) if words[-1].misc["SpaceAfter"] == "No": mwt.misc["SpaceAfter"] = "No" for word in words: word.misc["SpaceAfter"] = "" return mwt
@property def multiword_tokens(self): """Return a list of all multi-word tokens in this tree.""" return self._mwts # TODO should this setter be part of the public API? @multiword_tokens.setter def multiword_tokens(self, mwts): """Set the list of all multi-word tokens in this tree.""" self._mwts = mwts
[docs] def get_sentence(self, if_missing='detokenize'): """Return either the stored `root.text` or (if None) `root.compute_text()`. Args: if_missing: What to do if `root.text` is `None`? (default=detokenize) * `detokenize`: use `root.compute_text()` to compute the sentence. * `empty`: return an empty string * `warn_detokenize`, `warn_empty`: in addition emit a warning via `logging.warning()` * `fatal`: raise an exception """ sentence = self.text if sentence is not None: return sentence if if_missing == 'fatal': raise RuntimeError('Tree %s has empty root.text.' % self.address()) if if_missing.startswith('warn'): logging.warning('Tree %s has empty root.text.', self.address()) if if_missing.endswith('detokenize'): return self.compute_text() return ''
[docs] def add_comment(self, string): """Add a given `string` to `root.comment` separated by a newline and space.""" if self.comment is None: self.comment = string else: self.comment = self.comment.rstrip() + "\n " + string
@property def token_descendants(self): """Return all tokens (one-word or multi-word) in the tree. ie. return a list of `core.Node` and `core.MWT` instances, whose forms create the raw sentence. Skip nodes, which are part of multi-word tokens. For example with: 1-2 vĂ¡monos _ 1 vamos ir 2 nos nosotros 3-4 al _ 3 a a 4 el el 5 mar mar `[n.form for n in root.token_descendants]` will return `['vĂ¡monos', 'al', 'mar']`. """ result = [] last_mwt_id = 0 for node in self._descendants: mwt = node.multiword_token if mwt: if node.ord > last_mwt_id: last_mwt_id = mwt.words[-1].ord result.append(mwt) else: result.append(node) return result @property def descendants_and_empty(self): return sorted(self._descendants + self.empty_nodes)
[docs] def steal_nodes(self, nodes): """Move nodes from another tree to this tree (append).""" old_root = nodes[0].root for node in nodes[1:]: if node.root != old_root: raise ValueError("steal_nodes(nodes) was called with nodes from several trees") nodes = sorted(nodes) whole_tree = nodes == old_root.descendants new_ord = len(self._descendants) # pylint: disable=protected-access for node in nodes: new_ord += 1 node.ord = new_ord node._root = self if not whole_tree: for child in [n for n in node.children if n not in nodes]: child._parent = old_root old_root._children = sorted(old_root.children + [child]) node._children = [n for n in node.children if n in nodes] if node.parent == old_root or (not whole_tree and node.parent not in nodes): node.parent._children = [n for n in node.parent._children if n != node] node._parent = self self._children.append(node) if whole_tree: old_root._descendants = [] self._mwts += old_root.multiword_tokens old_root.multiword_tokens = [] else: old_root._descendants = [n for n in old_root._descendants if n not in nodes] mwt = node.multiword_token for node in nodes: if mwt: words = [w for w in mwt.words if w in nodes] mwt.remove() self.create_multiword_token(words=words, form=mwt.form, misc=mwt.misc) self._descendants += nodes
# pylint: enable=protected-access
[docs] def flatten(self, deprel='root'): """Flatten the tree (i.e. attach all nodes to the root) and reset all deprels. This is equivalent to for node in root.descendants: node.parent = root node.deprel = 'root' but it is faster. """ self._children = self._descendants[:] for node in self._children: node._parent = self node._children.clear()