Source code for udapi.core.mwt

"""MWT class represents a multi-word token."""
from udapi.core.dualdict import DualDict

[docs] class MWT(object): """Class for representing multi-word tokens in UD trees.""" __slots__ = ['words', 'form', '_misc', 'root'] def __init__(self, words=None, form=None, misc=None, root=None): self.words = words if words is not None else [] self.form = form self._misc = DualDict(misc) if misc and misc != '_' else None self.root = root for word in self.words: word._mwt = self # pylint: disable=W0212 @property def misc(self): """Property for MISC attributes stored as a `DualDict` object. See `udapi.core.node.Node` for details. """ if self._misc is None: self._misc = DualDict() return self._misc @misc.setter def misc(self, value): if self._misc is None: self._misc = DualDict(value) else: self._misc.set_mapping(value) @property def ord_range(self): """Return a string suitable for the first column of CoNLL-U.""" self.words.sort() return "%d-%d" % (self.words[0].ord, self.words[-1].ord)
[docs] def remove(self): """Delete this multi-word token (but keep its words).""" for word in self.words: word._mwt = None # pylint: disable=W0212 self.root.multiword_tokens.remove(self)
[docs] def address(self): """Full (document-wide) id of the multi-word token.""" return self.root.address + '#' + self.ord_range
[docs] @staticmethod def is_mwt(): """Is this a multi-word token? Returns always True. False is returned only by instances of the Node class. """ return True
@property def no_space_after(self): """Boolean property as a shortcut for `node.misc["SpaceAfter"] == "No"`.""" return self.misc["SpaceAfter"] == "No"
# TODO: node.remove() should check if the node is not part of any MWT # TODO: Document that editing words by mwt.words.append(node), del or remove(node) is not supported # TODO: Make mwt._words private and provide a setter # TODO: What to do when mwt.words = []? (It is allowed after mwt=MWT().) # TODO: words.setter and node.shift* should check if the MWT does not contain gaps # and is still multi-word # TODO: Make sure mwt.words are always sorted (even after node.shift*). # TODO: Check if one word is not included in multiple multi-word tokens.