Source code for udapi.block.zellig_harris.configurations

import logging

from udapi.core.block import Block

from udapi.block.zellig_harris.common import *
from udapi.block.zellig_harris.queries import *

[docs] class Configurations(Block): """ An abstract class for four extracting scenarios. """ def __init__(self, args=None): """ Initialization. :param args: A dict of optional parameters. """ if args is None: args = {} # Call the constructor of the parent object. super(Configurations, self).__init__(args) # Process the 'POS' argument. self.pos = [] if 'pos' in args: self.pos = args['pos'].split(',') # Process the 'print_lemmas' argument. self.print_lemmas = False if 'print_lemmas' in args and args['print_lemmas'] == '1': self.print_lemmas = True # Process the 'print_lemmas' argument. self.verbose = False if 'verbose' in args and args['verbose'] == '1': self.verbose = True
[docs] def apply_query(self, query_id, node): """ A generic method for applying a specified query on a specified node. :param query_id: A name of the query method to be called. :param node: An input node. """ if self.verbose:' - applying query %s', query_id) try: methods = globals() method = methods.get(query_id) except Exception as exception: logging.critical(' - no such query %s', query_id) raise RuntimeError('No such query %s' % query_id) triples = [] try: triples = method(node) except ValueError as exception: if self.verbose:' - no configurations: %s', exception) if len(triples) == 0: if self.verbose:' - no configurations, but all conditions passed.') for (node_a, relation_name, node_b) in triples: print_triple(node_a, relation_name, node_b, print_lemma=self.print_lemmas)
[docs] def process_tree(self, tree): """ If required, print detailed info about the processed sentence. :param tree: A sentence to be processed. """ if self.verbose:'')'---')'Sentence ID : %s', tree.sent_id)'Sentence : %s', ' '.join([node.form for node in tree.descendants()]))'---') for node in tree.descendants(): self.process_node(node)
[docs] def process_node(self, node): """ Extract context configuration for verbs according to (Vulic et al., 2016). :param node: A node to be process. """ raise NotImplementedError('Cannot call this abstract method.')