"""Tikz class is a writer for LaTeX with tikz-dependency."""
import logging
from udapi.core.basewriter import BaseWriter
class Tikz(BaseWriter):
r"""A writer of files in the LaTeX with tikz-dependency format.
udapy write.Tikz < my.conllu > my.tex
# or for 2D tree-like rendering
udapy write.Tikz as_tree=1 < my.conllu > my.tex
pdflatex my.tex
xdg-open my.pdf
Long sentences may result in too large pictures.
You can tune the width (in addition to changing fontsize or using minipage and rescaling) with
``\begin{deptext}[column sep=0.2cm]``
or individually for each word:
``My \&[.5cm] dog \& etc.``
By default, the height of the horizontal segment of a dependency edge is proportional
to the distance between the linked words. You can tune the height with:
``\depedge[edge unit distance=1.5ex]{9}{1}{deprel}``
See `tikz-dependency documentation
for details.
With ``as_tree=1``, there are two options how to visualize deprels:
either as labels positioned on the edges by uncommenting the relevant style definition,
or by adding ``deprel`` to the list of attributes, so deprels are above/below the words.
The latter is the default because the edge labels need manual tweaks to prevent overlapping.
* use `write.TextModeTrees` and include it in verbatim environment in LaTeX.
* use `write.Html`, press "Save as SVG" button, convert to pdf and include in LaTeX.
def __init__(self, print_sent_id=True, print_text=True, print_preambule=True,
attributes=None, as_tree=False, comment_attribute=None,
enhanced=False, **kwargs):
"""Create the Tikz block object.
print_sent_id: print sent_id (`tree.address()`) as a LaTeX comment (default=True)
print_text: print sentence text (`tree.get_sentence()`) as a LaTeX comment (default=True)
print_preambule: surround each document with LaTeX preambule (`documentclass` etc)
and `end{document}` (default=True)
attributes: comma-separated list of node attributes to print (each on a separate line).
as_tree: boolean - should print it as a 2D tree?
comment_attribute: which attribute to print as a string under each graph (e.g. text_en)
enhanced: boolean - print the enhanced graph below the sentence, too?
self.print_sent_id = print_sent_id
self.print_text = print_text
self.print_preambule = print_preambule
if attributes is not None:
self.node_attributes = attributes.split(',')
elif as_tree:
self.node_attributes = 'form,upos,deprel'.split(',')
self.node_attributes = 'form,upos'.split(',')
self.as_tree = as_tree
self.comment_attribute = comment_attribute
if as_tree and enhanced:
raise ValueError("The enhanced graph cannot be printed as a tree")
self.enhanced = enhanced
def before_process_document(self, doc):
if self.print_preambule:
if self.as_tree:
print(r'\tikzset{depedge/.style = {blue,thick}, %,<-')
print(r' deplabel/.style = {opacity=0, %black, fill opacity=0.9, text opacity=1,')
print(r' % yshift=4pt, pos=0.1, inner sep=0, fill=white, font={\scriptsize}')
print(r' },')
print(r' depnode/.style = {draw,circle,fill,blue,inner sep=1.5pt},')
print(r' depguide/.style = {dashed,gray},')
print(r'\newcommand{\deptrans}[1]{\node (t) at (\matrixref.south)[yshift=-1mm]'
" {``#1''};}")
def after_process_document(self, doc):
if self.print_preambule:
logging.info('Use pdflatex to compile the output')
def _tex_escape(self, string):
return string.replace('_', r'\_').replace('$', '\$').replace('[', '$[$').replace(']', '$]$')
def process_tree(self, tree):
nodes = tree.descendants
if self.print_sent_id:
print('% sent_id = ' + tree.address())
if self.print_text:
print("% text = " + tree.get_sentence())
comment = tree.comment
if comment:
comment = comment.rstrip()
print('%' + comment.replace('\n', '\n%'))
lines = ['' for _ in self.node_attributes]
for node in nodes:
values = [self._tex_escape(v) for v in node.get_attrs(self.node_attributes)]
max_len = max(len(value) for value in values)
for index, value in enumerate(values):
if node.ord > 1:
lines[index] += r' \& '
lines[index] += value.ljust(max_len)
for line in lines:
print(line + r' \\')
if self.as_tree:
depths = [n._get_attr('depth') for n in nodes]
max_depth = max(depths)
for node in nodes:
print(r'\node (w%d) [yshift=\depskip+%s\deplevel,depnode] at (\wordref{1}{%d}) {};'
% (node.ord, max_depth - depths[node.ord - 1], node.ord))
for node in nodes:
print(r'\draw[depguide] (w%d)--(\wordref{1}{%d});' % (node.ord, node.ord), end='')
if node.parent.is_root():
print(r' \draw[depedge] (w%d)--node[deplabel] {%s} (w%d);'
% (node.ord, node.deprel, node.parent.ord))
for node in nodes:
if node.parent.is_root():
print(r'\deproot{%d}{root}' % node.ord)
print(r'\depedge{%d}{%d}{%s}' % (node.parent.ord, node.ord, node.deprel))
if self.enhanced:
for dep in node.deps:
if dep['parent'].is_root():
print(r'\deproot[edge below]{%d}{root}' % node.ord)
print(r'\depedge[edge below]{%d}{%d}{%s}' % (dep['parent'].ord, node.ord, dep['deprel']))
if self.comment_attribute and tree.comment:
start_pos = tree.comment.find(self.comment_attribute + ' = ')
if start_pos != -1:
start_pos += len(self.comment_attribute) + 3
end_pos = tree.comment.find('\n', start_pos)
print(r'\deptrans{' + tree.comment[start_pos:end_pos])
print('') # empty line marks a new paragraph in LaTeX, but multi=dependency causes newpage