Source code for udapi.block.write.textmodetreeshtml

"""An ASCII pretty printer of colored dependency trees in HTML."""
from html import escape  # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module

from udapi.block.write.textmodetrees import TextModeTrees

# White background is better for printing, so let's choose dark text colors.
# Highlighting marked nodes should not change positioning and break the vertical lines alignment,
# so we cannot use standard border, but box-shadow.
STYLE = '''
  .form {color: maroon;}
  .lemma {color: purple;}
  .upos {color: red;}
  .deprel {color: blue;}
  .ord {color: green;}
  mark {box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px 1px red; font-weight: bold;}

[docs] class TextModeTreesHtml(TextModeTrees): """An ASCII pretty printer of colored dependency trees in HTML. SYNOPSIS # from command line (visualize CoNLL-U files) udapy write.TextModeTreesHtml < file.conllu > file.html This block is a subclass of `TextModeTrees`, see its documentation for more info. """ def __init__(self, color=True, title='Udapi visualization', zones_in_rows=True, **kwargs): """Create new TextModeTreesHtml block object. Args: see `TextModeTrees`. Color is by default set to `True` (even if the output is redirected to a file of pipe). You can force `color=0` e.g. if you want the node highlighting (see the `mark` parameter) to be more eye-catching. title: What title metadata to use for the html? """ super().__init__(color=color, **kwargs) self.title = title self.zones_in_rows = zones_in_rows
[docs] def before_process_document(self, document): # TextModeTrees.before_process_document changes the color property, # we need to skip this, but call BaseWriter's method which redirects stdout. # pylint: disable=bad-super-call super(TextModeTrees, self).before_process_document(document) print('<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n<meta charset="utf-8">') print('<title>' + self.title + '</title>') print('<style>' + STYLE) print('</style>\n</head>\n<body>\n<pre>') if self.print_doc_meta: for key, value in sorted(document.meta.items()): print('%s = %s' % (key, value))
[docs] def after_process_document(self, document): print("</pre>\n</body>\n</html>") super().after_process_document(document)
[docs] def add_node(self, idx, node): if not node.is_root(): marked = self.is_marked(node) self.lines[idx] += '<mark>' if marked else '' super().add_node(idx, node) self.lines[idx] += '</mark>' if marked else ''
[docs] def colorize_comment(self, comment): """Return a string with color markup for a given comment.""" if self.mark_re is None: return comment return self.comment_mark_re.sub(r'<mark>\g<0></mark>', comment)
[docs] @staticmethod def colorize_attr(attr, value, marked): """Return a string with color markup for a given attr and its value.""" return "<span class='%s'>%s</span>" % (attr, escape(value))
[docs] def print_headers(self, root): if self.print_sent_id: print('# sent_id = ' + escape(root.address())) if self.print_text: text = "# text = " + (root.get_sentence() if root.is_root() else root.compute_text()) print(escape(text)) if self.print_comments and root.comment: print('#' + self.colorize_comment(escape(root.comment)).rstrip().replace('\n', '\n#'))
[docs] def process_bundle(self, bundle): if self.zones_in_rows: # Don't print <table><tr></tr></table> if no tree will be printed in this bundle. marked_trees = [] for tree in bundle: if self._should_process_tree(tree): if self.print_empty: allnodes = [tree] + tree.descendants_and_empty else: allnodes = tree.descendants(add_self=1) if self.should_print_tree(tree, allnodes): marked_trees.append(tree) if marked_trees: print("<table><tr>") for tree in marked_trees: print("<td>") self.process_tree(tree) print("</td>") print("</tr></table>") else: super().process_bundle(bundle)