Source code for udapi.block.write.textmodetrees

"""An ASCII pretty printer of dependency trees."""
import os
import re
import sys

import colorama
import collections
from termcolor import colored
from udapi.core.basewriter import BaseWriter

    'form': 'yellow',
    'lemma': 'cyan',
    'upos': 'red',
    'deprel': 'blue',
    'ord': 'green',

# Too many instance variables, arguments, branches...
# I don't see how to fix this while not making the code less readable or more difficult to use.
# pylint: disable=R0902,R0912,R0913,R0914

[docs] class TextModeTrees(BaseWriter): """An ASCII pretty printer of dependency trees. .. code-block:: bash # from the command line (visualize CoNLL-U files) udapy write.TextModeTrees color=1 < file.conllu | less -R In scenario (examples of other parameters):: write.TextModeTrees indent=2 print_sent_id=0 print_sentence=1 layout=align write.TextModeTrees zones=en,cs attributes=form,lemma,upos minimize_cross=0 This block prints dependency trees in plain-text format. For example the following CoNLL-U file (with tabs instead of spaces):: 1 I I PRON PRP Number=Sing|Person=1 2 nsubj _ _ 2 saw see VERB VBD Tense=Past 0 root _ _ 3 a a DET DT Definite=Ind 4 det _ _ 4 dog dog NOUN NN Number=Sing 2 dobj _ _ 5 today today NOUN NN Number=Sing 2 nmod:tmod _ SpaceAfter=No 6 , , PUNCT , _ 2 punct _ _ 7 which which DET WDT PronType=Rel 10 nsubj _ _ 8 was be VERB VBD Person=3|Tense=Past 10 cop _ _ 9 a a DET DT Definite=Ind 10 det _ _ 10 boxer boxer NOUN NN Number=Sing 4 acl:relcl _ SpaceAfter=No 11 . . PUNCT . _ 2 punct _ _ will be printed (with the default parameters plus hints=0) as:: ─┮ │ ╭─╼ I PRON nsubj ╰─┾ saw VERB root │ ╭─╼ a DET det ├────────────────────────┾ dog NOUN dobj ├─╼ today NOUN nmod:tmod │ ├─╼ , PUNCT punct │ │ │ ╭─╼ which DET nsubj │ │ ├─╼ was VERB cop │ │ ├─╼ a DET det │ ╰─┶ boxer NOUN acl:relcl ╰─╼ . PUNCT punct With ``layout=compact``, the output will be (note the nodes "today" and ","):: ─┮ │ ╭─╼ I PRON nsubj ╰─┾ saw VERB root │ ╭─╼ a DET det ┡───┾ dog NOUN dobj ┡─╼ │ today NOUN nmod:tmod ┡─╼ │ , PUNCT punct │ │ ╭─╼ which DET nsubj │ │ ┢─╼ was VERB cop │ │ ┢─╼ a DET det │ ╰─┶ boxer NOUN acl:relcl ╰─╼ . PUNCT punct With ``layout=align-words``, the output will be:: ─┮ │ ╭─╼ I PRON nsubj ╰─┾ saw VERB root │ ╭─╼ a DET det ┡───┾ dog NOUN dobj ┡─╼ │ today NOUN nmod:tmod ┡─╼ │ , PUNCT punct │ │ ╭─╼ which DET nsubj │ │ ┢─╼ was VERB cop │ │ ┢─╼ a DET det │ ╰─┶ boxer NOUN acl:relcl ╰─╼ . PUNCT punct And finally with ``layout=align``:: ─┮ │ ╭─╼ I PRON nsubj ╰─┾ saw VERB root │ ╭─╼ a DET det ┡───┾ dog NOUN dobj ┡─╼ │ today NOUN nmod:tmod ┡─╼ │ , PUNCT punct │ │ ╭─╼ which DET nsubj │ │ ┢─╼ was VERB cop │ │ ┢─╼ a DET det │ ╰─┶ boxer NOUN acl:relcl ╰─╼ . PUNCT punct Some non-projective trees cannot be printed witout crossing edges. TextModeTrees uses a special "bridge" symbol ─╪─ to mark this:: ─┮ │ ╭─╼ 1 ├─╪───┮ 2 ╰─┶ 3 │ ╰─╼ 4 With ``color=auto`` (which is the default), if the output is printed to the console (not file or pipe), each node attribute is printed in different color. If a given node's MISC contains any of `ToDo`, `Bug` or `Mark` attributes (or any other specified in the parameter `mark`), the node will be highlighted (by reveresing the background and foreground colors). This block's method `process_tree` can be called on any node (not only root), which is useful for printing subtrees using ``node.draw()``, which is internally implemented using this block. For use in LaTeX, you can insert the output of this block (without colors) into \begin{verbatim}...\end{verbatim}, but you need to compile with pdflatex (xelatex not supported) and you must add the following code into the preambule:: \\usepackage{pmboxdraw} \DeclareUnicodeCharacter{256D}{\textSFi} %╭ \DeclareUnicodeCharacter{2570}{\textSFii} %╰ SEE ALSO :py:class:`.TextModeTreesHtml` """ def __init__(self, print_sent_id=True, print_text=True, add_empty_line=True, indent=1, minimize_cross=True, color='auto', attributes='form,upos,deprel', print_undef_as='_', print_doc_meta=True, print_comments=False, print_empty=True, mark='(ToDo|ToDoOrigText|Bug|Mark)', marked_only=False, hints=True, layout='classic', **kwargs): """Create new TextModeTrees block object. Args: print_sent_id: Print ID of the tree (its root, aka "sent_id") above each tree? print_sentence: Print plain-text detokenized sentence on a line above each tree? add_empty_line: Print an empty line after each tree? indent: Number of characters to indent node depth in the tree for better readability. minimize_cross: Minimize crossings of edges in non-projective trees? Trees without crossings are subjectively more readable, but usually in practice also "deeper", that is with higher maximal line length. color: Print the node attribute with ANSI terminal colors? Default = 'auto' which means that color output only if the output filehandle is interactive (console). Each attribute is assigned a color (the mapping is tested on black background terminals and can be changed only in source code). If you plan to pipe the output (e.g. to "less -R") and you want the colors, you need to set explicitly color=1, see the example in Synopsis. attributes: A comma-separated list of node attributes which should be printed. Possible values are ord, form, lemma, upos, xpos, feats, deprel, deps, misc. print_undef_as: What should be printed instead of undefined attribute values (if any)? print_doc_meta: Print `document.meta` metadata before each document? print_comments: Print comments (other than sent_id and text)? print_empty: Print empty nodes? mark: a regex. If ` + '=', str(node.misc))` the node is highlighted. If `print_comments and'^ %s = ' % mark, root.comment, re.M)` the comment is highlighted. Empty string means no highlighting. Default = 'ToDo|ToDoOrigText|Bug|Mark'. marked_only: print only trees containing one or more marked nodes/comments. Default=False. hints: use thick-marked segments (┡ and ┢) to distinguish whether a given node precedes or follows its parent. Default=True. If False, plain ├ is used in both cases. layout: 'classic' (default) shows word attributes immediately next to each node, 'compact' never print edges after (right to) words even in non-projectivities, 'align-words' as 'compact' but all first attributes (forms by default) are aligned, 'align' as 'align-words' but all attributes are aligned in columns. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.print_sent_id = print_sent_id self.print_text = print_text self.add_empty_line = add_empty_line self.indent = indent self.minimize_cross = minimize_cross self.color = color self.print_undef_as = print_undef_as self.print_doc_meta = print_doc_meta self.print_comments = print_comments self.print_empty = print_empty self.mark = mark self.marked_only = marked_only self.layout = layout # _draw[is_bottommost][is_topmost] line = '─' * indent self._horiz = line + '╼' self._draw = [[line + '┾', line + '┮'], [line + '┶', self._horiz]] # _space[precedes_parent][is_topmost_or_bottommost] # _vert[is_crossing] space = ' ' * indent if hints: self._space = [[space + '┡', space + '╰'], [space + '┢', space + '╭']] else: self._space = [[space + '├', space + '╰'], [space + '├', space + '╭']] self._vert = [space + '│', line + '╪'] self.attrs = attributes.split(',') self.mark_re, self.comment_mark_re = None, None if mark is not None and mark != '': self.mark_re = re.compile(mark + '=') self.comment_mark_re = re.compile(r'^ %s = ' % mark, re.M) self._index_of = [] self._gaps = collections.Counter() self.lines = [] self.lengths = [] # We want to be able to call process_tree not only on root node, # so this block can be called from node.print_draw(**kwargs) # on any node and print its subtree. Thus, we cannot assume that # allnodes[idx].ord == idx. Instead of node.ord, we'll use index_of[node.ord], # which is its index within the printed subtree. # gaps[node.ord] = number of nodes within node's span, which are not its descendants. def _compute_gaps(self, node): lmost, rmost, descs = self._index_of[node.ord], self._index_of[node.ord], 0 for child in node.children: _lm, _rm, _de = self._compute_gaps(child) lmost = min(_lm, lmost) rmost = max(_rm, rmost) descs += _de self._gaps[node.ord] = rmost - lmost - descs return lmost, rmost, descs + 1
[docs] def should_print_tree(self, root, allnodes): """Should this tree be printed?""" if not self.marked_only: return True if any(self.is_marked(n) for n in allnodes): return True if not self.print_comments or root.comment is None or self.mark_re is None: return False return
[docs] def process_tree(self, root): """Print the tree to (possibly redirected) sys.stdout.""" if self.print_empty: if root.is_root(): allnodes = [root] + root.descendants_and_empty else: allnodes = root.descendants(add_self=1) empty = [e for e in root._root.empty_nodes if e > allnodes[0] and e < allnodes[-1]] allnodes.extend(empty) allnodes.sort() else: allnodes = root.descendants(add_self=1) if not self.should_print_tree(root, allnodes): return self._index_of = {allnodes[i].ord: i for i in range(len(allnodes))} self.lines = [''] * len(allnodes) self.lengths = [0] * len(allnodes) # Precompute the number of non-projective gaps for each subtree if self.minimize_cross: self._compute_gaps(root) # Precompute lines for printing stack = [root, ] while stack: node = stack.pop() children = node.children(add_self=1) min_idx, max_idx = self._index_of[children[0].ord], self._index_of[children[-1].ord] max_length = max([self.lengths[i] for i in range(min_idx, max_idx + 1)]) for idx in range(min_idx, max_idx + 1): idx_node = allnodes[idx] filler = '─' if self._ends(idx, '─╭╰╪┡┢') else ' ' self._add(idx, filler * (max_length - self.lengths[idx])) topmost = idx == min_idx botmost = idx == max_idx if idx_node is node: self._add(idx, self._draw[botmost][topmost]) if self.layout == 'classic': self.add_node(idx, node) else: if idx_node.parent is not node: self._add(idx, self._vert[self._ends(idx, '─╭╰╪┡┢')]) else: precedes_parent = idx < self._index_of[node.ord] self._add(idx, self._space[precedes_parent][topmost or botmost]) if idx_node.is_leaf(): self._add(idx, self._horiz) if self.layout == 'classic': self.add_node(idx, idx_node) else: stack.append(idx_node) # sorting the stack to minimize crossings of edges if self.minimize_cross: stack.sort(key=lambda x: -self._gaps[x.ord]) if self.layout == 'classic': for idx, node in enumerate(allnodes): if node.is_empty(): self.add_node(idx, node) else: columns_attrs = [[a] for a in self.attrs] if self.layout == 'align' else [self.attrs] for col_attrs in columns_attrs: self.attrs = col_attrs max_length = max(self.lengths) for idx, node in enumerate(allnodes): if self.layout.startswith('align'): self._add(idx, ' ' * (max_length - self.lengths[idx])) self.add_node(idx, node) self.attrs = [a for sublist in columns_attrs for a in sublist] # Print headers (if required) and the tree itself self.print_headers(root) for line in self.lines: print(line) if self.add_empty_line: print('')
[docs] def print_headers(self, root): """Print sent_id, text and other comments related to the tree.""" if self.print_sent_id: print('# sent_id = ' + root.address()) if self.print_text: print("# text = " + (root.get_sentence() if root.is_root() else root.compute_text())) if self.print_comments and root.comment: print('#' + self.colorize_comment(root.comment.rstrip().replace('\n', '\n#')))
def _ends(self, idx, chars): return bool(self.lines[idx] and self.lines[idx][-1] in chars)
[docs] def before_process_document(self, document): """Initialize ANSI colors if color is True or 'auto'. If color=='auto', detect if sys.stdout is interactive (terminal, not redirected to a file). """ super().before_process_document(document) if self.color == 'auto': self.color = sys.stdout.isatty() if self.color: colorama.just_fix_windows_console() # termcolor since 2.1 also autodetects whether sys.stdout.isatty() # and if not, it disables the colors, so `cat i.conllu | udapy -T | less -R" # does not work. We need to turn off termcolor's autodetection with FORCE_COLOR. os.environ["FORCE_COLOR"] = "1" if self.print_doc_meta: for key, value in sorted(document.meta.items()): print('%s = %s' % (key, value))
def _add(self, idx, text): self.lines[idx] += text self.lengths[idx] += len(text)
[docs] def add_node(self, idx, node): """Render a node with its attributes.""" if not node.is_root(): values = node.get_attrs(self.attrs, undefs=self.print_undef_as) self.lengths[idx] += 1 + len(' '.join(values)) marked = self.is_marked(node) if self.color: for i, attr in enumerate(self.attrs): values[i] = self.colorize_attr(attr, values[i], marked) if not self.color and marked: self.lines[idx] += ' **' + ' '.join(values) + '**' self.lengths[idx] += 4 else: self.lines[idx] += ' ' + ' '.join(values)
[docs] def is_marked(self, node): """Should a given node be highlighted?""" return if self.mark_re is not None else False
[docs] def colorize_comment(self, comment): """Return a string with color markup for a given comment.""" if self.mark_re is None: return comment return self.mark_re.sub(colored(r'\g<0>', None, None, ['reverse', 'bold']), comment)
[docs] @staticmethod def colorize_attr(attr, value, marked): """Return a string with color markup for a given attr and its value.""" color = COLOR_OF.get(attr, None) return colored(value, color, None, ['reverse', 'bold'] if marked else None)