Source code for udapi.block.util.see

"""Block util.See prints statistics about the nodes matching a given condition.

Example usage from the command line::

udapy util.See node='node.is_nonprojective()' n=3 \
 stats=dir,children,c_upos,p_lemma,deprel,feats_split < in.conllu

Example output::

matches 245 out of 35766 nodes (0.7%) in 174 out of 1478 trees (11.8%)
=== dir (2 values) ===
          right   193  78% delta=+37%
           left    52  21% delta=-33%
=== children (9 values) ===
              0    64  26% delta=-38%
              2    58  23% delta=+14%
              3    38  15% delta= +7%
=== c_upos (15 values) ===
           NOUN   118  23% delta= +4%
            DET    61  12% delta= -3%
          PROPN    47   9% delta= +1%
=== p_lemma (187 values) ===
             il     5   2% delta= +1%
       fonction     4   1% delta= +1%
         écrire     4   1% delta= +1%
=== deprel (22 values) ===
          appos    41  16% delta=+15%
           conj    41  16% delta=+13%
          punct    36  14% delta= +4%
=== feats_split (20 values) ===
    Number=Sing   114  21% delta= +2%
    Gender=Masc    81  15% delta= +3%
              _    76  14% delta= -6%

In addition to absolute counts for each value, the percentage within matching nodes is printed
and a delta relative to percentage within all nodes.
This helps to highlight what is special about the matching nodes.
from collections import Counter
import re  # may be useful in eval, thus pylint: disable=unused-import

from udapi.core.block import Block

STATS = 'dir,edge,depth,children,siblings,p_upos,p_lemma,c_upos,form,lemma,upos,deprel,feats_split'

# We need eval in this block
# pylint: disable=eval-used

[docs] class See(Block): """Print statistics about the nodes specified by the parameter `node`.""" def __init__(self, node, n=5, stats=STATS, **kwargs): """Args: `node`: Python expression to be evaluated for each node and if True, the node will be considered "matching". `n`: Top n values will be printed for each statistic. `stats`: a list of comma-separated statistics to be printed. A statistic can be an attribute (`form`, `lemma`) or a pseudo-attribute (`depth` = depth of a node in dependency tree, `children` = number of children nodes, `p_lemma` = lemma of a parent node, etc). See `udapi.core.Node.get_attrs` for a full list of statistics. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.node = node self.n_limit = n self.stats = stats.split(',') self.match = dict() self.every = dict() for stat in self.stats: self.match[stat] = Counter() self.every[stat] = Counter() self.overall = Counter()
[docs] def process_tree(self, root): self.overall['trees'] += 1 tree_match = False for node in root.descendants: matching = self.process_node(node) self.overall['nodes'] += 1 if matching: self.overall['matching_nodes'] += 1 if not tree_match: self.overall['matching_trees'] += 1 tree_match = True
[docs] def process_node(self, node): matching = eval(self.node) for stat in self.stats: for value in node.get_attrs([stat], undefs=''): self.every[stat][value] += 1 self.every[stat]['T O T A L'] += 1 if matching: self.match[stat][value] += 1 self.match[stat]['T O T A L'] += 1 return matching
[docs] def process_end(self): print(self.node) print("matches %d out of %d nodes (%.1f%%) in %d out of %d trees (%.1f%%)" % (self.overall['matching_nodes'], self.overall['nodes'], self.overall['matching_nodes'] * 100 / self.overall['nodes'], self.overall['matching_trees'], self.overall['trees'], self.overall['matching_trees'] * 100 / self.overall['trees'])) for stat in self.stats: vals = len(self.match[stat].keys()) - 1 print("=== %s (%d value%s) ===" % (stat, vals, 's' if vals > 1 else '')) match_total = self.match[stat]['T O T A L'] or 1 every_total = self.every[stat]['T O T A L'] or 1 for value, match_count in self.match[stat].most_common(self.n_limit + 1): if value == 'T O T A L': continue every_count = self.every[stat][value] match_perc = 100 * match_count / match_total every_perc = 100 * every_count / every_total print("%15s %5d %3d%% delta=%+3d%%" % (value, match_count, match_perc, match_perc - every_perc))