Source code for udapi.block.util.resegmentgold

"""util.ResegmentGold is a block for sentence alignment and re-segmentation of two zones."""
import logging
import unicodedata
from udapi.core.block import Block
from udapi.core.mwt import MWT
from udapi.core.root import Root

FUNCTIONAL = {'aux', 'cop', 'mark', 'det', 'clf', 'case', 'cc'}

[docs] class ResegmentGold(Block): """Sentence-align two zones (gold and pred) and resegment the pred zone. The two zones must contain the same sequence of characters. """ def __init__(self, gold_zone='gold', **kwargs): """Args: gold_zone: which zone contains the gold segmentation """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.gold_zone = gold_zone @staticmethod def _strip_spaces(string): return ''.join(filter(lambda c: unicodedata.category(c) != "Zs", string))
[docs] def process_document(self, document): if not document.bundles: return pred_trees = self.extract_pred_trees(document) was_subroot = set() for pred_tree in pred_trees: for n in pred_tree.children: was_subroot.add(n) for bundle_no, bundle in enumerate(document.bundles): g_tree = bundle.trees[0] p_tree = pred_trees.pop() g_chars = self._strip_spaces(''.join(t.form for t in g_tree.token_descendants)) p_chars = self._strip_spaces(''.join(t.form for t in p_tree.token_descendants)) g_chars = ''.join(filter(lambda c: unicodedata.category(c) != "Zs", g_chars)) p_chars = ''.join(filter(lambda c: unicodedata.category(c) != "Zs", p_chars)) if g_chars == p_chars: bundle.add_tree(p_tree) continue # Make sure that p_tree contains enough nodes. moved_roots = [] while len(p_chars) < len(g_chars): if not pred_trees: raise ValueError('no pred_trees:\n%s\n%s' % (p_chars, g_chars)) new_p_tree = pred_trees.pop() p_chars += self._strip_spaces(''.join(t.form for t in new_p_tree.token_descendants)) moved_roots.extend(new_p_tree.children) p_tree.steal_nodes(new_p_tree.descendants) self.choose_root(p_tree, was_subroot, g_tree) if not p_chars.startswith(g_chars): raise ValueError('sent_id=%s: !p_chars.startswith(g_chars):\np_chars=%s\ng_chars=%s' % (g_tree.sent_id, p_chars, g_chars)) if g_chars == p_chars: bundle.add_tree(p_tree) continue # Now p_tree contains more nodes than it should. p_chars = '' tokens = p_tree.token_descendants for index, token in enumerate(tokens): p_chars += self._strip_spaces(token.form) if len(p_chars) > len(g_chars): logging.warning('Pred token crossing gold sentences: %s', g_tree.sent_id) # E.g. gold cs ln95048-151-p2s8 contains SpaceAfter=No on the last word # of the sentence, resulting in "uklidnila.Komentář" in the raw text. # It is not obvious how to fix this "properly", i.e. without increasing # or decreasing the resulting LAS. The current solution is quite hacky. if index + 1 == len(tokens): next_p_tree = Root( pred_trees.append(next_p_tree) next_p_tree.create_child(deprel='wrong', form=p_chars[len(g_chars):], misc='Rehanged=Yes') bundle.add_tree(p_tree) break else: next_tok = tokens[index + 1] next_tok.form = p_chars[len(g_chars):] + next_tok.form p_chars = g_chars if len(p_chars) == len(g_chars): next_p_tree = Root( words = [] for token in tokens[index + 1:]: if isinstance(token, MWT): words.extend(token.words) else: words.append(token) for word in words: if word in was_subroot: del word.misc['Rehanged'] if word.parent is not p_tree and word.parent not in words: if word.udeprel in FUNCTIONAL: word.parent.misc['FuncChildMissing'] = 'Yes' for child in word.children: if child not in words and child.udeprel in FUNCTIONAL: word.misc['FuncChildMissing'] = 'Yes' next_p_tree.steal_nodes(words) self.choose_root(p_tree, was_subroot, g_tree) self.choose_root(next_p_tree, was_subroot, document.bundles[bundle_no + 1].trees[0]) pred_trees.append(next_p_tree) bundle.add_tree(p_tree) break
[docs] def extract_pred_trees(self, document): """Delete all trees with zone!=gold_zone from the document and return them.""" pred_trees = [] for bundle in reversed(document.bundles): zones = [ for t in bundle.trees] if len(zones) > 2 or (len(zones) == 2 and self.gold_zone not in zones): raise ValueError('Expected two zones including gold_zone=%s, but found: %s' % (self.gold_zone, zones)) for tree in bundle.trees: if != self.gold_zone: pred_trees.append(tree) tree.remove() for bundle in document.bundles: if not bundle.trees: bundle.remove() if not document.bundles: raise ValueError('No bundles with gold_zone=' + self.gold_zone) return pred_trees
[docs] @staticmethod def choose_root(p_tree, was_subroot, g_tree): """Prevent multiple roots, which are forbidden in CoNLL-U.""" possible_subroots = [n for n in p_tree.children if n in was_subroot] if possible_subroots: the_subroot = possible_subroots[0] g_subroot = g_tree.children[0] possible_subroots = sorted([n for n in possible_subroots if n.form == g_subroot.form], key=lambda n: abs(n.ord - g_subroot.ord)) the_subroot = possible_subroots[0] if possible_subroots else the_subroot else: the_subroot = p_tree.children[0] the_subroot.misc['Rehanged'] = 'Yes' for subroot in p_tree.children: if subroot is not the_subroot: subroot.parent = the_subroot subroot.misc['Rehanged'] = 'Yes'