Source code for udapi.block.ud.splitunderscoretokens

"""Block ud.SplitUnderscoreTokens splits tokens with underscores are attaches them using flat.

udapy -s ud.SplitUnderscoreTokens < in.conllu > fixed.conllu

Author: Martin Popel
import logging
from udapi.core.block import Block

[docs] class SplitUnderscoreTokens(Block): """Block for spliting tokens with underscores and attaching the new nodes using deprel=flat. E.g.:: 1 Hillary_Rodham_Clinton Hillary_Rodham_Clinton PROPN xpos 0 dep is transformed into: 1 Hillary Hillary PROPN xpos 0 dep 2 Rodham Rodham PROPN xpos 1 flat 3 Clinton Clinton PROPN xpos 1 flat Real-world use cases: UD_Irish (`default_deprel=fixed`) and UD_Czech-CLTT v1.4. """ def __init__(self, deprel=None, default_deprel='flat', **kwargs): """Create the SplitUnderscoreTokens block instance. Args: deprel: Which deprel to always use for the newly created nodes? Most common values are: flat, fixed, compound. Default=None. default_deprel: Which deprel to use for the newly created nodes if the heuristics in `deprel_for()` method fail. Default=flat. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.deprel = deprel self.default_deprel = default_deprel
[docs] def process_node(self, node): if node.form != '_' and '_' in node.form: forms = node.form.split('_') lemmas = node.lemma.split('_') if len(forms) != len(lemmas): logging.warning("Different number of underscores in %s and %s, skipping.", node.form, node.lemma) return last_node = node deprel = self.deprel_for(node) for form, lemma in zip(forms[1:], lemmas[1:]): new_node = node.create_child(form=form, lemma=lemma, upos=node.upos, xpos=node.xpos, deprel=deprel) new_node.shift_after_node(last_node) last_node = new_node node.form = forms[0] node.lemma = lemmas[0] if node.misc['SpaceAfter'] == 'No': del node.misc['SpaceAfter'] last_node.misc['SpaceAfter'] = 'No'
[docs] def deprel_for(self, node): """Return deprel of the newly created nodes: `flat`, `fixed`, `compound` or its subtypes. See Note that unlike the first two, `deprel=compound` does not need to be head-initial. This method implements a coarse heuristic rules to decide between `fixed` and `flat`. """ if self.deprel: return self.deprel # Proper names tend to form `flat` constructions. if node.upos == 'PROPN': return 'flat' # Closed-class words (except NUM) tend to form `fixed` constructions. if node.upos in ('ADP', 'AUX', 'CCONJ', 'DET', 'PART', 'PRON', 'SCONJ'): return 'fixed' # The default default :-) is `flat`. return self.default_deprel