Source code for

"""Block to fix case-enhanced dependency relations in Russian."""
from udapi.core.block import Block
import logging
import re

[docs] class FixEdeprels(Block): # Sometimes there are multiple layers of case marking and only the outermost # layer should be reflected in the relation. For example, the semblative 'как' # is used with the same case (preposition + morphology) as the nominal that # is being compared ('как_в:loc' etc.) We do not want to multiply the relations # by all the inner cases. # The list in the value contains exceptions that should be left intact. outermost = { 'более_чем': [], 'будто': [], 'ведь': [], 'ежели': [], 'если': [], 'как': ['как_только'], 'когда': [], 'кроме_как': [], 'менее_чем': [], 'минус': [], 'нежели': [], 'плюс': [], 'пока': [], 'поскольку': [], 'потому_что': [], 'пусть': [], 'равно_как': [], 'раз': [], 'словно': [], 'так_что': [], 'хоть': [], 'хотя': [], 'чем': [], 'что': [], 'чтобы': [], 'яко': [] } # Secondary prepositions sometimes have the lemma of the original part of # speech. We want the grammaticalized form instead. List even those that # will have the same lexical form, as we also want to check the morphological # case. And include all other prepositions that have unambiguous morphological # case, even if they are not secondary. unambiguous = { 'versus': 'версус:nom', 'loc': 'в:loc', 'в_вид': 'в_виде:gen', 'в_во_глава': 'в:acc', # annotation error: 'входил в группу во главе с геологом' 'в_для': 'в:acc', 'в_качество': 'в_качестве:gen', 'в_отношение': 'в_отношении:gen', 'в_с': 'в:loc', # annotation error: 'в партнерстве с ACCELS' lacks the second level 'в_связь_с': 'в_связи_с:ins', 'в_случай_если': 'в_случае_если', 'в_случай_когда': 'в_случае_когда', 'в_соответствие_с': 'в_соответствии_с:ins', 'в_течение': 'в_течение:gen', 'в_то_быть': 'в:loc', 'в_тот_время_как': 'в_то_время_как', 'в_угода': 'в_угоду:dat', 'в_ход': 'в_ходе:gen', 'вблизи': 'вблизи:gen', 'взамен': 'взамен:gen', 'вместо': 'вместо:gen', 'во_глава': 'во_главе_с:ins', 'во_глава_с': 'во_главе_с:ins', 'во_избежание': 'во_избежание:gen', 'возле': 'возле:gen', 'вокруг': 'вокруг:gen', 'вплоть_до': 'вплоть_до:gen', 'вроде': 'вроде:gen', 'выше': 'выше:gen', 'для': 'для:gen', 'для_в': 'для:gen', 'до_то_как': 'до:gen', # до того, как ... 'за_исключение': 'за_исключением:gen', 'из_более_чем': 'из:gen', 'к': 'к:dat', 'ко': 'ко:dat', 'коли_скоро': 'коль_скоро', 'кроме': 'кроме:gen', 'между_во_глава': 'между:ins', # annotation error: 'между делегацией Минобороны во главе с замминистра Владимиром Исаковым и лидером Приднестровья Игорем Смирновым' 'на_вперед': 'на:acc', 'над': 'над:ins', # at least I have not encountered any genuine example of accusative 'насчет': 'насчет:gen', 'несмотря_на': 'несмотря_на:acc', 'ниже': 'ниже:gen', 'около': 'около:gen', 'от_до': 'от:gen', 'от_от': 'от:gen', 'от_с': 'от:gen', 'относительно': 'относительно:gen', 'перед': 'перед:ins', 'по_мера': 'по_мере:gen', 'по_мера_то_как': 'по_мере_того_как', 'по_отношение_ко?': 'по_отношению_к:dat', 'по_повод': 'по_поводу:gen', 'по_сравнение_с': 'по_сравнению_с:ins', 'помимо': 'помимо:gen', 'порядка': 'порядка:gen', 'после': 'после:gen', 'посредством_как': 'посредством:gen', 'при': 'при:loc', 'при_помощь': 'при_помощи:gen', 'при_условие_что': 'при_условии_что', 'про': 'про:acc', 'против': 'против:gen', 'с_более_чем': 'с:gen', 'с_во_глава': 'с:ins', 'с_на': 'с:par', 'с_помощь': 'с_помощью:gen', 'с_тем': 'с:ins', 'с_тот_пора_как': 'с_тех_пор_как', 'с_что': 'с:ins', 'свыше': 'свыше:gen', 'со_сторона': 'со_стороны:gen', 'согласно': 'согласно:dat', 'спустя': 'спустя:acc', 'среди': 'среди:gen', 'среди_в': 'среди:gen', 'так_чтобы': 'чтобы', 'тем_между': 'между:ins', 'у': 'у:gen', 'у_без': 'у:gen', 'через': 'через:acc', 'чтоб': 'чтобы' }
[docs] def copy_case_from_adposition(self, node, adposition): """ In some treebanks, adpositions have the Case feature and it denotes the valency case that the preposition's nominal must be in. """ # The following is only partial solution. We will not see # some children because they may be shared children of coordination. prepchildren = [x for x in node.children if x.lemma == adposition] if len(prepchildren) > 0 and prepchildren[0].feats['Case'] != '': return adposition+':'+prepchildren[0].feats['Case'].lower() else: return None
[docs] def process_node(self, node): """ Occasionally the edeprels automatically derived from the Russian basic trees do not match the whitelist. For example, the noun is an abbreviation and its morphological case is unknown. """ for edep in node.deps: # Although in theory allowed by the EUD guidelines, Russian does not enhance the ccomp relation with case markers. edep['deprel'] = re.sub(r'^ccomp:чтобы$', r'ccomp', edep['deprel']) m = re.match(r'^(obl(?::arg)?|nmod|advcl|acl(?::relcl)?):', edep['deprel']) if m: bdeprel = solved = False # If the marker is 'быть', discard it. It represents the phrase 'то есть', which should not be analyzed as introducing a subordinate clause. edep['deprel'] = re.sub(r':(быть|сколь|столько|типа).*', '', edep['deprel']) # Some markers should be discarded only if they occur as clause markers (acl, advcl). edep['deprel'] = re.sub(r'^(advcl|acl(?::relcl)?):(в|вместо|при)$', r'\1', edep['deprel']) # Some markers should not occur as clause markers (acl, advcl) and should be instead considered nominal markers (nmod, obl). edep['deprel'] = re.sub(r'^advcl:(взамен|для|до|из|на|насчет|от|перед|по|после|с|среди|у)(:|$)', r'obl:\1\2', edep['deprel']) edep['deprel'] = re.sub(r'^acl(?::relcl)?:(взамен|для|до|из|на|насчет|от|перед|по|после|с|среди|у)(:|$)', r'nmod:\1\2', edep['deprel']) # If the case marker starts with 'столько', remove this part. # It occurs in the expressions of the type 'сколько...столько' but the real case marker of the modifier is something else. # Similarly, 'то' occurs in 'то...то' and should be removed. edep['deprel'] = re.sub(r':(столько|то|точно)[_:]', ':', edep['deprel']) # If one of the following expressions occurs followed by another preposition # or by morphological case, remove the additional case marking. For example, # 'словно_у' becomes just 'словно'. for x in self.outermost: exceptions = self.outermost[x] m = re.match(r'^(obl(?::arg)?|nmod|advcl|acl(?::relcl)?):'+x+r'([_:].+)?$', edep['deprel']) if m and and not in exceptions: edep['deprel'] =':'+x solved = True break if solved: continue for x in self.unambiguous: # All secondary prepositions have only one fixed morphological case # they appear with, so we can replace whatever case we encounter with the correct one. m = re.match(r'^(obl(?::arg)?|nmod|advcl|acl(?::relcl)?):'+x+r'(?::(?:nom|gen|par|dat|acc|voc|loc|ins))?$', edep['deprel']) if m: edep['deprel'] =':'+self.unambiguous[x] solved = True break if solved: continue # The following prepositions have more than one morphological case # available. m = re.match(r'^(obl(?::arg)?|nmod):(до|из|от)(?::(?:nom|dat|acc|voc|loc|ins))?$', edep['deprel']) if m: adpcase = self.copy_case_from_adposition(node, if adpcase: edep['deprel'] =':'+adpcase else: # Genitive or partitive are possible. Pick genitive. edep['deprel'] =':'':gen' continue # Both "на" and "в" also occur with genitive. However, this # is only because there are numerals in the phrase ("в 9 случаев из 10") # and the whole phrase should not be analyzed as genitive. m = re.match(r'^(obl(?::arg)?|nmod):(в|во|на|о)(?::(?:nom|gen|dat|voc|ins))?$', edep['deprel']) if m: adpcase = self.copy_case_from_adposition(node, if adpcase: edep['deprel'] =':'+adpcase else: # Accusative or locative are possible. Pick locative. edep['deprel'] =':'':loc' continue # Unlike in Czech, 'над' seems to allow only instrumental and not accusative. m = re.match(r'^(obl(?::arg)?|nmod):(за|под)(?::(?:nom|gen|dat|voc|loc))?$', edep['deprel']) if m: adpcase = self.copy_case_from_adposition(node, if adpcase: edep['deprel'] =':'+adpcase else: # Accusative or instrumental are possible. Pick accusative. edep['deprel'] =':'':acc' continue m = re.match(r'^(obl(?::arg)?|nmod):(между)(?::(?:nom|dat|acc|voc|loc))?$', edep['deprel']) if m: adpcase = self.copy_case_from_adposition(node, if adpcase: edep['deprel'] =':'+adpcase else: # Genitive or instrumental are possible. Pick genitive. edep['deprel'] =':'':gen' continue m = re.match(r'^(obl(?::arg)?|nmod):(по)(?::(?:nom|gen|voc|ins))?$', edep['deprel']) if m: adpcase = self.copy_case_from_adposition(node, if adpcase: edep['deprel'] =':'+adpcase else: # Dative, accusative or locative are possible. Pick dative. edep['deprel'] =':'':dat' continue m = re.match(r'^(obl(?::arg)?|nmod):(с)(?::(?:nom|dat|acc|voc|loc))?$', edep['deprel']) if m: adpcase = self.copy_case_from_adposition(node, if adpcase: edep['deprel'] =':'+adpcase else: # Genitive or instrumental are possible. Pick instrumental. edep['deprel'] =':'':ins' continue if re.match(r'^(nmod|obl):', edep['deprel']): if edep['deprel'] == 'nmod:loc' and node.parent.feats['Case'] == 'Loc' or edep['deprel'] == 'nmod:voc' and node.parent.feats['Case'] == 'Voc': # This is a same-case noun-noun modifier, which just happens to be in the locative. # For example, 'v Ostravě-Porubě', 'Porubě' is attached to 'Ostravě', 'Ostravě' has # nmod:v:loc, which is OK, but for 'Porubě' the case does not say anything significant. edep['deprel'] = 'nmod' elif edep['deprel'] == 'nmod:loc': edep['deprel'] = 'nmod:nom' elif edep['deprel'] == 'nmod:voc': edep['deprel'] = 'nmod:nom'
[docs] def set_basic_and_enhanced(self, node, parent, deprel, edeprel): ''' Modifies the incoming relation of a node both in the basic tree and in the enhanced graph. If the node does not yet depend in the enhanced graph on the current basic parent, the new relation will be added without removing any old one. If the node already depends multiple times on the current basic parent in the enhanced graph, all such enhanced relations will be removed before adding the new one. ''' old_parent = node.parent node.parent = parent node.deprel = deprel node.deps = [x for x in node.deps if x['parent'] != old_parent] new_edep = {} new_edep['parent'] = parent new_edep['deprel'] = edeprel node.deps.append(new_edep)