Source code for udapi.block.ud.markbugs

"""Block MarkBugs for checking suspicious/wrong constructions in UD v2.

IMPORTANT: the svalidation.html overview is not generated by this code,
but by SETS-search-interface rules, which may give different results than this code.

udapy -s ud.MarkBugs < in.conllu > marked.conllu 2> log.txt

Some tests may be customized for individual languages if the language code is
available as the zone id. The zone id can be provided in the sentence id after
the slash (e.g., "sent_id = s125/en" for English), or as a parameter of the

udapy -s read.Conllu zone=en ud.MarkBugs < in.conllu > marked.conllu 2> log.txt

Errors are both logged to stderr and marked within the nodes' MISC field,
e.g. `node.misc['Bug'] = 'aux-chain'`, so the output conllu file can be
searched for "Bug=" occurences.

Author: Martin Popel
based on descriptions at
import collections
import logging
import re

from udapi.core.block import Block

    'PRON': 'PronType',
    'DET': 'PronType',
    'NUM': 'NumType',
    'VERB': 'VerbForm',

[docs] class MarkBugs(Block): """Block for checking suspicious/wrong constructions in UD v2.""" def __init__(self, save_stats=True, tests=None, skip=None, max_cop_lemmas=2, **kwargs): """Create the MarkBugs block object. Args: save_stats: store the bug statistics overview into `document.misc["bugs"]`? tests: a regex of tests to include. If `not, short_msg)` the node is not reported. You can use e.g. `tests=aux-chain|cop-upos` to apply only those two tests. Default = None (or empty string or '.*') which all tests. skip: a regex of tests to exclude. If `, short_msg)` the node is not reported. You can use e.g. `skip=no-(VerbForm|NumType|PronType)`. This has higher priority than the `tests` regex. Default = None (or empty string) which means no skipping. max_cop_lemmas: how many different lemmas are allowed to have deprel=cop. Default = 2, so all except for the two most frequent lemmas are reported as bugs. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.save_stats = save_stats self.stats = collections.Counter() self.tests_re = re.compile(tests) if (tests is not None and tests != '') else None self.skip_re = re.compile(skip) if (skip is not None and skip != '') else None self.max_cop_lemmas = max_cop_lemmas self.cop_count = collections.Counter() self.cop_nodes = collections.defaultdict(list)
[docs] def log(self, node, short_msg, long_msg): """Log node.address() + long_msg and add ToDo=short_msg to node.misc.""" if self.tests_re is not None and not return if self.skip_re is not None and return logging.debug('node %s %s: %s', node.address(), short_msg, long_msg) if node.misc['Bug']: if short_msg not in node.misc['Bug']: node.misc['Bug'] += ',' + short_msg else: node.misc['Bug'] = short_msg self.stats[short_msg] += 1
# pylint: disable=too-many-branches, too-many-statements
[docs] def process_node(self, node): form, udeprel, upos, feats = node.form, node.udeprel, node.upos, node.feats parent = node.parent for dep in ('aux', 'fixed', 'goeswith', 'list'): if udeprel == dep and parent.udeprel == dep: self.log(node, dep + '-chain', dep + ' dependencies should not form a chain.') # 'appos-chain' is more difficult to test because nested appositions are allowed. # The commented-out code below prevents just some of the false alarms # (those where changing the nested appos into flat would result in non-projectivity). # Unfortunatelly, there are still too many false alarms, so let's skip this test completely. # It seems that multiple appositions as siblings are much less common than nested. # if deprel == 'appos' and parent.deprel == 'appos': # if not node.precedes(parent.children[-1]): # self.log(node, 'appos-chain', 'appos should not form a chain except when nested.') for dep in ('flat', 'fixed', 'conj', 'appos', 'goeswith', 'list'): if udeprel == dep and node.precedes(parent): self.log(node, dep + '-rightheaded', dep + ' relations should be left-headed, not right.') if udeprel == 'cop' and upos not in ('AUX', 'PRON'): self.log(node, 'cop-upos', 'deprel=cop upos!=AUX|PRON (but %s)' % upos) if udeprel == 'mark' and upos == 'PRON': self.log(node, 'mark-upos', 'deprel=mark upos=PRON') if udeprel == 'det' and upos not in ('DET', 'PRON'): self.log(node, 'det-upos', 'deprel=det upos!=DET|PRON (but %s)' % upos) if udeprel == 'punct' and upos != 'PUNCT': self.log(node, 'punct-upos', 'deprel=punct upos!=PUNCT (but %s)' % upos) for i_upos, i_feat in REQUIRED_FEATURE_FOR_UPOS.items(): if upos == i_upos and not feats[i_feat]: # Some languages do not distinguish finite and non-finite forms of verbs. # The VerbForm feature is not obligatory in those languages. if i_feat != 'VerbForm' or not'_')[0] in {'id', 'jv', 'tl', 'hil', 'ifb'}: self.log(node, 'no-' + i_feat, 'upos=%s but %s feature is missing' % (upos, i_feat)) if feats['VerbForm'] == 'Fin': if upos not in ('VERB', 'AUX'): self.log(node, 'finverb-upos', 'VerbForm=Fin upos!=VERB|AUX (but %s)' % upos) if not feats['Mood']: self.log(node, 'finverb-mood', 'VerbForm=Fin but Mood feature is missing') if feats['Degree'] and upos not in ('ADJ', 'ADV'): self.log(node, 'degree-upos', 'Degree=%s upos!=ADJ|ADV (but %s)' % (feats['Degree'], upos)) subject_children = [n for n in node.children if 'subj' in n.udeprel and n.sdeprel != 'outer'] if len(subject_children) > 1: self.log(node, 'multi-subj', 'More than one (non-outer) [nc]subj child') object_children = [n for n in node.children if n.udeprel in ('obj', 'ccomp')] if len(object_children) > 1: self.log(node, 'multi-obj', 'More than one obj|ccomp child') # See # TODO: Promotion by Head Elision: It is difficult to detect this exception. # So far, I have just excluded "det" from the forbidded parent.deprel set # because it is quite often the promoted head and the false-alarm probability is high. # In future, we could check the enhanced dependencies for empty nodes. # TODO: Function word modifiers: so far I have included advmod to the allowed deprel set. # This catches the cases like "not every", "exactly two" and "just when". # It seems the documentation does not allow any other deprel than advmod, # so there should be no false alarms. Some errors are not reported, i.e. the cases # when advmod incorrectly depends on a function word ("right before midnight"). if parent.udeprel in ('aux', 'cop', 'mark', 'clf', 'case'): if udeprel not in ('conj', 'cc', 'punct', 'fixed', 'goeswith', 'advmod'): self.log(node, parent.deprel + '-child', 'parent.deprel=%s deprel!=conj|cc|punct|fixed|goeswith' % parent.deprel) # goeswith should be left-headed, but this is already checked, so let's skip right-headed. if udeprel == 'goeswith' and parent.precedes(node): span = node.root.descendants(add_self=1)[parent.ord:node.ord] intruder = next((n for n in span[1:] if n.udeprel != "goeswith"), None) if intruder is not None: self.log(intruder, 'goeswith-gap', "deprel!=goeswith but lies within goeswith span") else: for goeswith_node in span: if goeswith_node.misc['SpaceAfter'] == 'No': self.log(goeswith_node, 'goeswith-space', "deprel=goeswith SpaceAfter=No") if upos == 'SYM' and form.isalpha(): self.log(node, 'sym-alpha', "upos=SYM but all form chars are alphabetical: " + form) if upos == 'PUNCT' and any(char.isalpha() for char in form): self.log(node, 'punct-alpha', "upos=PUNCT but form has alphabetical char(s): " + form) if upos == 'PUNCT' and udeprel not in ('punct', 'fixed', 'goeswith', 'root'): self.log(node, 'punct-deprel', 'upos=PUNCT deprel!=punct|fixed|goeswith|root (but %s)' % udeprel) if upos == 'PUNCT' and node.is_nonprojective(): self.log(node, 'punct-nonproj', 'upos=PUNCT and edge is non-projective') if upos == 'PUNCT' and node.is_nonprojective_gap() and not parent.is_nonprojective_gap(): self.log(node, 'punct-nonproj-gap', 'upos=PUNCT and causing a non-projectivity') # says # "cc is the relation between a conjunct and a preceding # [coordinating conjunction](" # No other upos is allowed in the documentation, although e.g. PART is common in the data. # There are clear cases of adverbs in role of cc (e.g. "respektive" in Swedish and Czech). if udeprel == 'cc' and upos not in ('CCONJ', 'ADV'): self.log(node, 'cc-upos', "deprel=cc upos!=CCONJ (but %s): " % upos) if udeprel == 'cop': lemma = node.lemma if node.lemma != '_' else form self.cop_nodes[lemma].append(node) self.cop_count[lemma] += 1
[docs] def after_process_document(self, document): for lemma, _count in self.cop_count.most_common()[self.max_cop_lemmas:]: for node in self.cop_nodes[lemma]: self.log(node, 'cop-many-lemmas', 'deprel=cop but lemma=%s not in top-%d' % (lemma, self.max_cop_lemmas)) self.cop_count.clear() self.cop_nodes.clear() total = 0 message = 'ud.MarkBugs Error Overview:' for bug, count in sorted(self.stats.items(), key=lambda pair: (pair[1], pair[0])): total += count message += '\n%20s %10d' % (bug, count) message += '\n%20s %10d\n' % ('TOTAL', total) logging.warning(message) if self.save_stats: document.meta["bugs"] = message self.stats.clear()