Source code for udapi.block.ud.fixmwtspace

Block ud.FixMwtSpace looks for multiword tokens whose form contains a space,
which should be avoided. If found, the block checks whether it can remove
the multiword token seamlessly, that is, whether the syntactic words correspond
to the space-delimited parts of the multiword token. If possible, the MWT
line will be removed.
from udapi.core.block import Block
import re

[docs] class FixMwtSpace(Block): """Try to remove multiword tokens with spaces."""
[docs] def process_node(self, node): if node.multiword_token: mwt = node.multiword_token if' ', mwt.form): if node == mwt.words[0]: wordforms = [x.form for x in mwt.words] if ' '.join(wordforms) == mwt.form: mwt.remove()