Source code for udapi.block.ud.fixadvmodbyupos

Block ud.FixAdvmodByUpos will change the dependency relation from advmod to something else
if the UPOS is not ADV.
from udapi.core.block import Block

[docs] class FixAdvmodByUpos(Block): """ Make sure advmod is not used with UPOS it should not be used with. """
[docs] def process_node(self, node): if node.udeprel == 'advmod': if node.upos in ['NOUN', 'PROPN', 'PRON', 'DET', 'NUM']: node.deprel = 'obl' elif node.upos == 'VERB': node.deprel = 'advcl' elif node.upos == 'AUX': node.deprel = 'aux' elif node.upos in ['ADP', 'SCONJ']: if node.parent.upos == 'VERB': node.deprel = 'mark' else: node.deprel = 'case' elif node.upos == 'CCONJ': node.deprel = 'cc' elif node.upos == 'INTJ': node.deprel = 'discourse' else: node.deprel = 'dep' ###!!! The following are not advmod so they should probably have their own block or this block should have a different name. elif node.udeprel == 'expl': if node.upos == 'AUX': node.deprel = 'aux' elif node.udeprel == 'mark': if node.upos == 'PRON': node.deprel = 'nsubj' # it could be also obj, iobj, obl or nmod; just guessing what might be more probable