Source code for udapi.block.tutorial.adpositions

"""tutorial.Adpositions block template.

Example usage::

 for a in */sample.conllu; do
    printf '%50s ' $a;
    udapy tutorial.Adpositions < $a;
 done | tee results.txt

 # What are the English postpositions?
 cat UD_English/sample.conllu | udapy -TM util.Mark \
   node='node.upos == "ADP" and node.parent.precedes(node)' | less -R
from udapi.core.block import Block

[docs] class Adpositions(Block): """Compute the number of prepositions and postpositions.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Create the Adpositions block object.""" super().__init__(**kwargs) self.prepositions = 0 self.postpositions = 0
[docs] def process_node(self, node): # TODO: Your task: distinguish prepositions and postpositions if node.upos == "ADP": self.prepositions += 1
[docs] def process_end(self): total = self.prepositions + self.postpositions or 1 prep = 100 * self.prepositions / total post = 100 * self.postpositions / total print("prepositions %5.1f%%, postpositions %5.1f%%" % (prep, post))