Source code for

"""Reader for CoNLL-U files with the old CorefUD 0.1 style of coreference annotation."""
import re
import logging
from udapi.core.coref import CorefEntity, CorefMention, BridgingLinks

[docs] class OldCorefUD( def __init__(self, replace_hyphen_in_id_with='', **kwargs): """Create the read.OldCorefUD reader object. Args: substitute_hyphen_in_id_for: string to use as a replacement for hyphens in ClusterId The new format does not allow hyphens in eid (IDs of entity entities), so we need to replace them. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.replace_hyphen_in_id_with = replace_hyphen_in_id_with self.orig2new = {} self.new2orig = {} def _fix_id(self, cid): if not cid or '-' not in cid: return cid new_cid = self.orig2new.get(cid) if new_cid is None: new_cid = cid.replace('-', self.replace_hyphen_in_id_with) base, counter = new_cid, 1 while new_cid in self.new2orig: counter += 1 new_cid = f"{base}{counter}" self.new2orig[new_cid] = cid self.orig2new[cid] = new_cid return new_cid
[docs] def process_document(self, doc, strict=True): super().process_document(doc) eid_to_entity = {} for node in doc.nodes_and_empty: index, index_str = 0, "" eid = node.misc["ClusterId"] if not eid: index, index_str = 1, "[1]" eid = node.misc["ClusterId[1]"] eid = self._fix_id(eid) while eid: entity = eid_to_entity.get(eid) if entity is None: entity = CorefEntity(eid) eid_to_entity[eid] = entity mention = CorefMention(words=[node], entity=entity) if node.misc["MentionSpan" + index_str]: mention.span = node.misc["MentionSpan" + index_str] etype = node.misc["ClusterType" + index_str] if etype: if entity.etype is not None and etype != entity.etype: logging.warning(f"etype mismatch in {node}: {entity.etype} != {etype}") entity.etype = etype bridging_str = node.misc["Bridging" + index_str] if bridging_str: mention._bridging = BridgingLinks(mention) for link_str in bridging_str.split(','): target, relation = link_str.split(':') target = self._fix_id(target) if target == eid: _error("Bridging cannot self-reference the same entity: " + target, strict) if target not in eid_to_entity: eid_to_entity[target] = CorefEntity(target) mention._bridging.append((eid_to_entity[target], relation)) split_ante_str = node.misc["SplitAnte" + index_str] if split_ante_str: split_antes = [] # TODO in CorefUD draft "+" was used as the separator, but it was changed to comma. # We can delete `.replace('+', ',')` once there are no more data with the legacy plus separator. for ante_str in split_ante_str.replace('+', ',').split(','): ante_str = self._fix_id(ante_str) if ante_str in eid_to_entity: if ante_str == eid: _error("SplitAnte cannot self-reference the same entity: " + eid, strict) split_antes.append(eid_to_entity[ante_str]) else: # split cataphora, e.g. "We, that is you and me..." ante_cl = CorefEntity(ante_str) eid_to_entity[ante_str] = ante_cl split_antes.append(ante_cl) entity.split_ante = sorted(split_antes) # Some CorefUD 0.2 datasets (e.g. ARRAU) separate key-value pairs with spaces instead of commas. # We also need to escape forbidden characters. mmisc = node.misc["MentionMisc" + index_str].replace(' ', ',') mention.other = mmisc.replace('-', '%2D').replace('(', '%28').replace(')', '%29') index += 1 index_str = f"[{index}]" eid = self._fix_id(node.misc["ClusterId" + index_str]) # c=doc.coref_entities should be sorted, so that c[0] < c[1] etc. # In other words, the dict should be sorted by the values (according to CorefEntity.__lt__), # not by the keys (eid). # In Python 3.7+ (3.6+ in CPython), dicts are guaranteed to be insertion order. for entity in eid_to_entity.values(): if not entity._mentions: _error(f"Entity {entity.eid} referenced in SplitAnte or Bridging, but not defined with ClusterId", strict) entity._mentions.sort() doc._eid_to_entity = {c._eid: c for c in sorted(eid_to_entity.values())} # Delete all old-style attributes from MISC (so when converting old to new style, the old attributes are deleted). attrs = "ClusterId MentionSpan ClusterType Bridging SplitAnte MentionMisc".split() for node in doc.nodes_and_empty: for key in list(node.misc): if any(re.match(attr + r'(\[\d+\])?$', key) for attr in attrs): del node.misc[key]
def _error(msg, strict): if strict: raise ValueError(msg) logging.error(msg)