Source code for udapi.block.eval.conll17

r"""Block&script eval.Conll17 for evaluating LAS,UAS,etc as in CoNLL2017 UD shared task.

This is a reimplementation of the CoNLL2017 shared task official evaluation script,

The gold trees and predicted (system-output) trees need to be sentence-aligned
e.g. using `util.ResegmentGold`.
Unlike in `eval.Parsing`, the gold and predicted trees can have different tokenization.

An example usage and output::

    $ udapy read.Conllu zone=gold files=gold.conllu \
            read.Conllu zone=pred files=pred.conllu ignore_sent_id=1 \
    Metric     | Precision |    Recall |  F1 Score | AligndAcc
    Words      |     27.91 |     52.17 |     36.36 |    100.00
    UPOS       |     27.91 |     52.17 |     36.36 |    100.00
    XPOS       |     27.91 |     52.17 |     36.36 |    100.00
    Feats      |     27.91 |     52.17 |     36.36 |    100.00
    Lemma      |     27.91 |     52.17 |     36.36 |    100.00
    UAS        |     16.28 |     30.43 |     21.21 |     58.33
    LAS        |     16.28 |     30.43 |     21.21 |     58.33
    CLAS       |     10.34 |     16.67 |     12.77 |     37.50

For evaluating multiple systems and testsets (as in CoNLL2017)
stored in `systems/system_name/testset_name.conllu` you can use::

    SYSTEMS=`ls systems`
    [[ $# -ne 0 ]] && SYSTEMS=$@
    set -x
    set -e
    for sys in $SYSTEMS; do
        mkdir -p results/$sys
        for testset in `ls systems/$sys`; do
            udapy read.Conllu zone=gold files=gold/$testset \
                  read.Conllu zone=pred files=systems/$sys/$testset ignore_sent_id=1 \
                  util.ResegmentGold \
                  eval.Conll17 print_results=0 print_raw=1 \
                  > results/$sys/${testset%.conllu}
    python3 `python3 -c 'import udapi.block.eval.conll17 as x; print(x.__file__)'` -r 100

The last line executes this block as a script and computes bootstrap resampling with 100 resamples
(default=1000, it is recommended to keep the default or higher value unless testing the interface).
This prints the ranking and confidence intervals (95% by default) and also p-values for each
pair of systems with neighboring ranks. If the difference in LAS is significant
(according to a paired bootstrap test, by default if p < 0.05),
a line is printed between the two systems.

The output looks like::

     1.          Stanford 76.17 ± 0.12 (76.06 .. 76.30) p=0.001
     2.              C2L2 74.88 ± 0.12 (74.77 .. 75.01) p=0.001
     3.               IMS 74.29 ± 0.13 (74.16 .. 74.43) p=0.001
     4.          HIT-SCIR 71.99 ± 0.14 (71.84 .. 72.12) p=0.001
     5.           LATTICE 70.81 ± 0.13 (70.67 .. 70.94) p=0.001
     6.        NAIST-SATO 70.02 ± 0.13 (69.89 .. 70.16) p=0.001
     7.    Koc-University 69.66 ± 0.13 (69.52 .. 69.79) p=0.002
     8.   UFAL-UDPipe-1-2 69.36 ± 0.13 (69.22 .. 69.49) p=0.001
     9.            UParse 68.75 ± 0.14 (68.62 .. 68.89) p=0.003
    10.     Orange-Deskin 68.50 ± 0.13 (68.37 .. 68.62) p=0.448
    11.          TurkuNLP 68.48 ± 0.14 (68.34 .. 68.62) p=0.029
    12.              darc 68.29 ± 0.13 (68.16 .. 68.42) p=0.334
    13.  conll17-baseline 68.25 ± 0.14 (68.11 .. 68.38) p=0.003
    14.             MQuni 67.93 ± 0.13 (67.80 .. 68.06) p=0.062
    15.             fbaml 67.78 ± 0.13 (67.65 .. 67.91) p=0.283
    16.     LyS-FASTPARSE 67.73 ± 0.13 (67.59 .. 67.85) p=0.121
    17.        LIMSI-LIPN 67.61 ± 0.14 (67.47 .. 67.75) p=0.445
    18.             RACAI 67.60 ± 0.13 (67.46 .. 67.72) p=0.166
    19.     IIT-Kharagpur 67.50 ± 0.14 (67.36 .. 67.64) p=0.447
    20.           naistCL 67.49 ± 0.15 (67.34 .. 67.63)

TODO: Bootstrap currently reports only LAS, but all the other measures could be added as well.
import argparse
import difflib
import logging
import os
import random
import sys
from collections import Counter
from udapi.core.basewriter import BaseWriter

CLAS_IGNORE = {'aux', 'case', 'cc', 'clf', 'cop', 'det', 'mark', 'punct'}

[docs] class Conll17(BaseWriter): """Evaluate labeled and unlabeled attachment score (LAS and UAS).""" def __init__(self, gold_zone='gold', print_raw=False, print_results=True, **kwargs): """Args: gold_zone - Which zone contains the gold-standard trees (the other zone contains "pred")? print_raw - Print raw counts (pred, gold, Words, LAS) for each sentence. This is useful for bootstrap resampling post-processing to get confidence intervals. print_results - Print a table with overall results after all document are processed. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.gold_zone = gold_zone self.total_count = Counter() self.print_raw = print_raw self.print_results = print_results
[docs] def process_tree(self, tree): gold_tree = tree.bundle.get_tree(self.gold_zone) if tree == gold_tree: return pred_nodes = tree.descendants gold_nodes = gold_tree.descendants pred_forms = [n.form.lower() for n in pred_nodes] gold_forms = [n.form.lower() for n in gold_nodes] matcher = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, pred_forms, gold_forms, autojunk=False) aligned = [] for diff in matcher.get_opcodes(): edit, pred_lo, pred_hi, gold_lo, gold_hi = diff if edit == 'equal': aligned.extend(zip(pred_nodes[pred_lo:pred_hi], gold_nodes[gold_lo:gold_hi])) align_map = {tree: gold_tree} for p_node, g_node in aligned: align_map[p_node] = g_node count = Counter() count['pred'] = len(pred_nodes) count['gold'] = len(gold_nodes) count['Words'] = len(aligned) count['pred_clas'] = len([n for n in pred_nodes if n.udeprel not in CLAS_IGNORE]) count['gold_clas'] = len([n for n in gold_nodes if n.udeprel not in CLAS_IGNORE]) count['alig_clas'] = len([n for _, n in aligned if n.udeprel not in CLAS_IGNORE]) for p_node, g_node in aligned: for attr in ('UPOS', 'XPOS', 'Feats', 'Lemma'): if p_node.get_attrs([attr.lower()]) == g_node.get_attrs([attr.lower()]): count[attr] += 1 if align_map.get(p_node.parent) == g_node.parent: count['UAS'] += 1 if p_node.udeprel == g_node.udeprel: count['LAS'] += 1 if g_node.udeprel not in CLAS_IGNORE: count['CLAS'] += 1 self.total_count.update(count) if self.print_raw: scores = [str(count[s]) for s in ('pred', 'gold', 'Words', 'LAS')] print(' '.join(scores))
[docs] def process_end(self): if not self.print_results: return # Redirect the default filehandle to the file specified by self.files self.before_process_document(None) metrics = ('Words', 'UPOS', 'XPOS', 'Feats', 'Lemma', 'UAS', 'LAS', 'CLAS') print("Metric | Precision | Recall | F1 Score | AligndAcc") print("-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------") pred, gold = self.total_count['pred'], self.total_count['gold'] alig = self.total_count['Words'] for metric in metrics: if metric == 'CLAS': pred, gold = self.total_count['pred_clas'], self.total_count['gold_clas'] alig = self.total_count['alig_clas'] correct = self.total_count[metric] precision = correct / pred if pred else 0 recall = correct / gold if gold else 0 alignacc = correct / alig if alig else 0 fscore = 2 * correct / (pred + gold) if pred + gold else 0 print("{:11}|{:10.2f} |{:10.2f} |{:10.2f} |{:10.2f}".format( metric, 100 * precision, 100 * recall, 100 * fscore, 100 * alignacc))
[docs] def prec_rec_f1(correct, pred, gold, alig=0): precision = correct / pred if pred else 0 recall = correct / gold if gold else 0 alignacc = correct / alig if alig else 0 fscore = 2 * correct / (pred + gold) if pred + gold else 0 return precision, recall, fscore, alignacc
[docs] def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--dir_results", "-d", default="results", help="directory with results") parser.add_argument("--resamples", "-r", default=1000, type=int, help="how many resamples") parser.add_argument("--confidence", "-c", default=95, help="use x-percent confidence interval") parser.add_argument("--tests", "-t", default='all', help="comma-separated test sets") parser.add_argument("--systems", "-s", default='all', help="comma-separated systems") parser.add_argument("--randseed", default=0, type=int, help="random seed, default=sys time") args = parser.parse_args() res_dir, resamples, conf = args.dir_results, args.resamples, args.confidence alpha = (1 - conf/100) / 2 index_lo = int(alpha * (resamples - 1)) index_hi = resamples - 1 - index_lo index_mid = int(resamples / 2) if == 'all': systems = os.listdir(res_dir) else: systems =',') if args.tests == 'all': tests = set() for system in systems: tests.update(os.listdir(res_dir + '/' + system)) tests = sorted(tests) else: tests = args.tests.split(',') if args.randseed: random.seed(args.randseed) results = [] print('Loading...', file=sys.stderr) for system in systems: sys_results = [] results.append(sys_results) for i_test, test in enumerate(tests): filename = '/'.join((res_dir, system, test)) try: with open(filename) as res_file: sys_results.extend([[i_test] + list(map(int, l.split())) for l in res_file]) except FileNotFoundError: logging.warning(filename + ' not found') samples = len(sys_results) print('Resampling...', file=sys.stderr) boot_results = [] for i_resample in range(resamples): print(i_resample + 1, file=sys.stderr, end='\r') resample_results = [] boot_results.append(resample_results) for i_system in range(len(systems)): pred, gold, words, las = ([0] * len(tests) for _ in range(4)) for _ in range(samples): i_test, pre, gol, wor, la_ = random.choice(results[i_system]) pred[i_test] += pre gold[i_test] += gol words[i_test] += wor las[i_test] += la_ fscore_sum = 0 for i_test in range(len(tests)): _prec, _rec, fscore, _aligacc = prec_rec_f1(las[i_test], pred[i_test], gold[i_test]) fscore_sum += fscore resample_results.append(fscore_sum / len(tests)) print('\n', file=sys.stderr) sys_fscores = [] for i_system, system in enumerate(systems): sys_fscores.append([boot_results[i_resample][i_system] for i_resample in range(resamples)]) final_results = [] sys_sys_wins = [[0] * len(systems) for x in range(len(systems))] for i_system, system in enumerate(systems): for j_system in range(i_system): for i, j in zip(sys_fscores[i_system], sys_fscores[j_system]): if i > j: sys_sys_wins[i_system][j_system] += 1 elif i < j: sys_sys_wins[j_system][i_system] += 1 fscores = sorted(sys_fscores[i_system]) final_results.append([i_system, fscores[index_mid], fscores[index_lo], fscores[index_hi]]) sorted_systems = sorted(final_results, key=lambda x: -x[1]) for rank, sys_results in enumerate(sorted_systems): i_system, f1_mid, f1_lo, f1_hi = sys_results if rank < len(systems) - 1: j_worse_sys = sorted_systems[rank + 1][0] p_value = (sys_sys_wins[j_worse_sys][i_system] + 1) / (resamples + 1) p_str = " p=%.3f" % p_value else: p_value, p_str = 1, "" print("%2d. %17s %5.2f ±%5.2f (%5.2f .. %5.2f)%s" % (rank + 1, systems[i_system], 100 * f1_mid, 50 * (f1_hi - f1_lo), 100 * f1_lo, 100 * f1_hi, p_str)) if p_value < (1 - conf/100): print('-' * 60)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()