Source code for udapi.block.corefud.stats

from udapi.core.block import Block
from collections import Counter

[docs] class Stats(Block): """Block corefud.Stats prints various coreference-related statistics.""" def __init__(self, m_len_max=5, e_len_max=5, report_mentions=True, report_entities=True, report_details=True, selected_upos='NOUN PRON PROPN DET ADJ VERB ADV NUM', exclude_singletons=False, exclude_nonsingletons=False, style='human', per_doc=False, max_rows_per_page=50, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.m_len_max = m_len_max self.e_len_max = e_len_max self.report_mentions = report_mentions self.report_entities = report_entities self.report_details = report_details self.exclude_singletons = exclude_singletons self.exclude_nonsingletons = exclude_nonsingletons = style if style not in 'tex tex-table tex-doc human'.split(): raise ValueError(f'Unknown style {style}') self.per_doc = per_doc self.max_rows_per_page = max_rows_per_page self._header_printed = False self._lines_printed = None self.counter = Counter() self.mentions = 0 self.entities = 0 self.singletons = 0 self.total_nodes = 0 self.longest_mention = 0 self.longest_entity = 0 self.m_words = 0 self.selected_upos = None if selected_upos == 'all' else selected_upos.split()
[docs] def process_document(self, doc): self.total_nodes += len(list(doc.nodes)) self.counter['documents'] += 1 for entity in doc.coref_entities: len_mentions = len(entity.mentions) if len_mentions == 1: self.singletons += 1 if len_mentions == 1 and self.exclude_singletons: continue elif len_mentions > 1 and self.exclude_nonsingletons: continue self.longest_entity = max(len_mentions, self.longest_entity) self.counter['c_total_len'] += len_mentions self.counter[f"c_len_{min(len_mentions, self.e_len_max)}"] += 1 self.entities += 1 if not self.report_mentions and not self.report_details: continue for mention in entity.mentions: self.mentions += 1 all_words = len(mention.words) non_empty = len([w for w in mention.words if not w.is_empty()]) self.m_words += all_words self.longest_mention = max(non_empty, self.longest_mention) self.counter['m_total_len'] += non_empty self.counter[f"m_len_{min(non_empty, self.m_len_max)}"] += 1 if self.report_details: upos = 'other' if not self.selected_upos or mention.head.upos in self.selected_upos: upos = mention.head.upos self.counter['m_head_upos_' + upos] += 1 self.counter['m_with_empty'] += 1 if all_words > non_empty else 0 self.counter['m_with_gaps'] += 1 if ',' in mention.span else 0 heads, mwords = 0, set(mention.words) for w in mention.words: if w.parent: heads += 0 if w.parent in mwords else 1 else: heads += 0 if any(d['parent'] in mwords for d in w.deps) else 1 self.counter['m_nontreelet'] += 1 if heads > 1 else 0
[docs] def after_process_document(self, doc): if self.per_doc: self.process_end(skip=False, doc=doc) self.counter = Counter() self.mentions = 0 self.entities = 0 self.singletons = 0 self.total_nodes = 0 self.longest_mention = 0 self.longest_entity = 0 self.m_words = 0
[docs] def process_end(self, skip=True, doc=None): if not self._lines_printed: self.print_header() self._lines_printed = 0 if self.per_doc: if skip: self.print_footer() return else: print(f"{doc[0].trees[0].newdoc:15}", end='&' if'tex') else '\n') elif'tex-'): print(f"{self.counter['documents']:4} documents &") self._lines_printed += 1 mentions_nonzero = 1 if self.mentions == 0 else self.mentions entities_nonzero = 1 if self.entities == 0 else self.entities total_nodes_nonzero = 1 if self.total_nodes == 0 else self.total_nodes columns =[ ] if self.report_entities: columns += [('entities', f"{self.entities:7,}"), ('entities_per1k', f"{1000 * self.entities / total_nodes_nonzero:6.0f}"), ('longest_entity', f"{self.longest_entity:6}"), ('avg_entity', f"{self.counter['c_total_len'] / entities_nonzero:5.1f}")] for i in range(1, self.e_len_max + 1): percent = 100 * self.counter[f"c_len_{i}"] / entities_nonzero columns.append((f"c_len_{i}{'' if i < self.e_len_max else '+'}", f"{percent:5.1f}")) if self.report_mentions: columns += [('mentions', f"{self.mentions:7,}"), ('mentions_per1k', f"{1000 * self.mentions / total_nodes_nonzero:6.0f}"), ('longest_mention', f"{self.longest_mention:6}"), ('avg_mention', f"{self.counter['m_total_len'] / mentions_nonzero:5.1f}")] if self.m_len_max: for i in range(0, self.m_len_max + 1): percent = 100 * self.counter[f"m_len_{i}"] / mentions_nonzero columns.append((f"m_len_{i}{'' if i < self.m_len_max else '+'}", f"{percent:5.1f}")) if self.report_details: columns += [('with_empty', f"{100 * self.counter['m_with_empty'] / mentions_nonzero:5.1f}"), ('with_gaps', f"{100 * self.counter['m_with_gaps'] / mentions_nonzero:5.1f}"), ('nontreelet', f"{100 * self.counter['m_nontreelet'] / mentions_nonzero:5.1f}"),] if self.selected_upos: upos_list = self.selected_upos + ['other'] else: upos_list = [x[12:] for x in self.counter if x.startswith('m_head_upos_')] for upos in upos_list: columns.append(('head_upos=' + upos, f"{100 * self.counter['m_head_upos_' + upos] / mentions_nonzero:5.1f}")) if'tex'): print(" & ".join(c[1] for c in columns), end=" \\\\\n") elif == 'human': for c in columns: print(f"{c[0]:>15} = {c[1].strip():>10}") if not self.per_doc: self.print_footer() elif self._lines_printed > self.max_rows_per_page: self.print_footer(False) self._lines_printed = 0
[docs] def print_header(self): if not'tex-'): return if == 'tex-doc': if self._lines_printed is None: print(r'\documentclass[multi=mypage]{standalone}') print(r'\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}\usepackage{booktabs}\usepackage{underscore}') print(r'\title{Udapi coreference statistics}') print(r'\begin{document}') print(r'\def\MC#1#2{\multicolumn{#1}{c}{#2}}') lines = [r'\begin{mypage}\begin{tabular}{@{}l ', " "*15, ("document" if self.per_doc else "dataset ") + " "*7, " "*15] if self.report_entities: lines[0] += "rrrr " lines[1] += r'& \MC{4}{entities} ' lines[2] += r'& total & per 1k & \MC{2}{length} ' lines[3] += r'& count & words & max & avg. ' if self.e_len_max: for i in range(1, self.e_len_max + 1): lines[0] += "r" lines[2] += f"& {i:4}" + ("+ " if i==self.e_len_max else " ") lines[3] += r'& [\%] ' lines[0] += " " lines[1] += r'& \MC{' + str(self.e_len_max) + r'}{distribution of entity lengths}' if self.report_mentions: lines[0] += "rrrr " lines[1] += r'& \MC{4}{mentions} ' lines[2] += r'& total & per 1k & \MC{2}{length} ' lines[3] += r'& count & words & max & avg. ' if self.m_len_max: for i in range(0, self.m_len_max + 1): lines[0] += "r" lines[2] += f"& {i:4}" + ("+ " if i==self.m_len_max else " ") lines[3] += r'& [\%] ' lines[0] += " " lines[1] += r'& \MC{' + str(self.m_len_max + 1) + r'}{distribution of mention lengths}' + " "*7 if self.report_details: lines[0] += "rrrr " lines[1] += r'& \MC{3}{mention type} ' lines[2] += r'&w/empty& w/gap&non-tree' lines[3] += r'& [\%] ' * 3 if self.selected_upos: upos_list = self.selected_upos + ['other'] else: upos_list = [x[12:] for x in self.counter if x.startswith('m_head_upos_')] lines[0] += "@{~}r" * len(upos_list) lines[1] += r"& \MC{" + str(len(upos_list)) + r"}{distribution of head UPOS}" lines[2] += ''.join(f'&{upos:7}' for upos in upos_list) lines[3] += r'& [\%] ' * len(upos_list) lines[0] += r'@{}}\toprule' last_col = 1 lines[1] += r'\\' lines[2] += r'\\' lines[3] += r'\\\midrule' if self.report_entities: last_col += 4 lines[1] += r'\cmidrule(lr){2-5}' lines[2] += r'\cmidrule(lr){4-5}' if self.e_len_max: last_col += self.e_len_max lines[1] += r'\cmidrule(lr){6-' + str(last_col) + '}' if self.report_mentions: lines[1] += r'\cmidrule(lr){' + f"{last_col+1}-{last_col+4}" + '}' lines[2] += r'\cmidrule(lr){' + f"{last_col+3}-{last_col+4}" + '}' last_col += 4 if self.m_len_max: lines[1] += r'\cmidrule(lr){' + f"{last_col+1}-{last_col+self.m_len_max+1}" + '}' last_col += self.m_len_max + 1 if self.report_details: lines[1] += r'\cmidrule(lr){' + f"{last_col+1}-{last_col+3}" lines[1] += r'}\cmidrule(l){' + f"{last_col+4}-{last_col+3+len(upos_list)}" + '}' print("\n".join(lines))